Tuesday 3 January 2023

Megan Mitton MLA Let's Us Know About Her Pandemic Feels with CHMA FM

This week in Tantramarshire news with local politician and McGill University alumni Megan Mitton Green Party devotee spoke with CHMA FM about her feels on the "pandemic" and more at the Facebook page "Tantramar Community Concerns" with Bonnie Swift moderating:

Tantramar Community Concerns | Facebook

With the year coming to an end, I am taking time to reflect on what has changed and what has stayed the same.
We have lived with uncertainty and high levels of stress. Many have struggled this year and fallen through the cracks. Our communities have taken care of each other, and I know we will continue as we face 2023. We still have many challenges to face and obstacles to overcome in the new year, and I hope we will carry what we have learned with us and prioritize community and connection as we leave 2022 behind us.
I wish you and your loved ones all the best in 2023!"

MLA Mitton reflects on a 'turbulent year' in provincial politics » CHMA 106.9 FM (chmafm.com)

 I have a hard time listening to Megan... she makes a lot of noise but never says very much.. serving up platitudes and empty word salad about how bad she sees the Higgs Government to be isn't really productive or helpful... I'd like to hear what ideas she has to improve the lives of people in her riding ... Hey Megan - what about Tantramarshire ? 

Megan's "we are borg" adherence to face masking and endless boosters and experimental vaxxing and other 'health' protocols makes her another NPC in my eyes... I find her boring, unhelpful, ineffectual and weak... I look forward to her being replaced in the next election; we couldn't find a more obediant-to- the-borg critter if we tried around here... which is perfect for the technocracy but not great for all us.

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