The article comes from an American, not a Canadian, so that in itself is telling.
Essentially you can write anything about anyone and call it journalism it would seem. The nature of the article is not to address directly the book but to slander and libel the man who wrote it - I hope that Matthew Sears, his friends at Anti-Hate Canada, and the HuffPo journalist realize what they have done with this hit piece of propaganda.
If you put people into a corner and gaslight them, lie about them, abuse them, and demoralize them long enough you will find out what they are actually capable of when it comes to defending themselves and their actions will be a result of being provoked and abused. Sears won't be the first extremist to be hit with a law suit.
Keep it in mind.
I've been called every name in the book around here by the university shills/liberal supremicists and I don't care .. I will continue to produce the content and the media that the CBC cannot. #boycott CBC
His writings are filled with racist conspiracy theories, and he is a frequent contributor to white nationalist propaganda sites that feature articles defending slavery and eugenics
1:10 PM - 19 May 2019
some of the commenters on the HuffPo article:
kick his face.
Let him go. But start to deal with the progressive professors that are anti Canadian, anti White, ant free speech, and anti free thought.
Time to go, Ricardo. This ignorant hatred has no place in society nevermind education.
BC watch-dog exposes possible intentional "whites only" racist BC Government legislative law... BC Gov now spending millions on the cover-up & FOI dodging. …