Monday 27 May 2019

"President" of Sappyfest Jeska Continues On with Anti-Free Speech Power Trip [2019 Politics and Festivals -- Do They Mix?]

Hey u should check ur FB because the restaurant you’re claiming is hosting your Sackville Friday event made a public post that they were not contacted, would never host a PPC event & would like you to take down registration for your non-existent event.

[ When SJWs decide to swarm and bully nothing good comes from it .. my advice Jeska.. let the adults gather where and when they want to .. work with creation; not against it .. and just back off ]

Thank you Nancy.

BOOK RECOMMENDATION 📚"Green Gospel: The New World Religion" by Sheila Zilinsky -
Protecting the environment and the earth is a noble effort, right? This carefully researched book chronicles the history of the environmental movement, its creators, and their goals. The author takes us back decades to the origins of environmentalism, providing facts about its development over the years and its plans for the future. Whether you're passionate about the saving the environment or you are just a bit skeptical and want more information, this informative book is for you.

[#twitter is cancer]

Painted Pony Restaurant n Sackville was recently bullied by some locals
and threatened with a violent protest mob and harrassment if
they allowed a friendly gathering with Nancy Mercier
and PPC supporters.. imagine that .. in sweet little Sackville?

Its so cute when Matthew Sears at UNB re-tweets your stuff Jeska... adorable.
And it was sure nice of you to show your support for the PhD with the SLAPP suit..

- Freedom, Responsibility, Fairness and Respect with Maxime Bernier's PPC party ..

Event in Kelowna with Maxime and Patrick Moore - hopefully I will be able to post a video of the address made by Patrick to PPC supporters .. stay tuned ..

Fantastic event with Patrick Moore last night in Kelowna. We all learned a lot about how to counter climate change hysteria and lies. Thank you to our local organizers and everyone who attended.

Please be sure to follow Jeska if you are on Twitter. #local radicals #green is the new red #triggered

So.... its like highschool for the cool kids and the popular kids and the nerdy kids .. and the outcasts or what? .. and .....yeah.. well.. does it feel pretty good right now online harassing candidate Nancy Mercier? A woman in a wheelchair, who is running in Beausejour for the new PPC federal political party in Canada? Blocking an event in Sackville that made your clique uncomfortable? Showing your weakness and fear of other viewpoints? Sad. { I remember when students excluded CPC Ann Bastarache in 2015 from their debate - its very telling that women in politics doesn't mean shit unless its Green Megan Mitton here .. what a festival of ignorance and control freakery }

I wonder if this is the new normal with "Sappyfest" SJWs .. Election is October 21st, 2019.... if you're interested in learning more about Maxime Bernier's party feel free to follow the Twitter and Facebook pages .. lots of Canadians looking for an alternative to the LibCon deception.

And if you think Sappyfest could use a little extra support too feel free to check out their website [ I have been told not to promote the festival by the minions such as Jess]

SAPPY AGM - JUNE 13 2019!

SappyFest Inc. would like to invite its membership and those interested in becoming members to the 2019 Annual General Meeting at President’s Cottage (146 Main Street) on Wednesday, June 13th at 7 PM. This is an open meeting with presentations from staff and board members on the organization's activities, financials, as well as elections to the SappyFest Board of Directors.
The agenda, last year's minutes, current bylaws and the agenda, are available by request.
Key agenda items will include:
-- Elections to the SappyFest Board of Directors (2 year term).
-- Approval of 2018 Financial statements.
-- President of the Board of Directors statement.
-- Questions from the floor.
Hope to see you all there!