Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Neil Ritchie - Invicta Health (2023) Inc. - Tantramar Community Health Centre - "Housing Sessions" with Mayor Andrew Black


At this weekend's "Housing Session" - an exercise in "consensus building" and "delphi technique" [google on this tactic and educate yourselves]

with current Mayor Andrew Black for Tantramar at the Town Hall.

Agenda-driven facilitator Julia Feltham helped with "herd management" over the two days of hosting groups and various guest speakers... and it was a well attended event .. including the author of "BioFuture2030" Neil Ritchie, health admin. consultant and planner .. take a bit of a closer look here at this link:  BioFuture_StrategicPlan2019_V2_May2019.pdf

@ Invicta Health.. more here:  About Us | invictahealth

More on Neil here:

'Neil Ritchie, B.Sc., MHSA | president    

Neil has worked as a senior executive in large, multi-site academic teaching centres, regional health authorities and community hospitals in Canada.  He began his career in health care in Public Health working as a regional administrator in rural Nova Scotia.  He was Administrator of the Sackville Memorial Hospital, Vice President of the Calgary General Hospital, Senior Operating Officer of the Calgary Regional Health Authority, CEO of the Cape Breton Health Care Complex and Chief Operating Officer of the Capital District Health Authority in Halifax. 


He also has had a second career in health-related business development as founder the Business Development Office at Dalhousie University's Faculty of Medicine, as president of a number of health-related start up companies and as a venture investor.  He is recent author of BioFuture 2030, the Growth Strategy for Nova Scotia's Health and Life Sciences Industry.  He has just completed a term as the Executive Director of the Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care, a national not for profit network of Hospitals and health professionals, focused on advancing environmental stewardship in health care.


Neil has participated in a number of national and international partnerships, business development initiatives and study tours. He has co-authored a book chapter on health reform, published an article and was an invited guest editor for the peer reviewed journal, Health Care Management Forum and has spoken at national and international conferences. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from Dalhousie University and a Masters in Health Services Administration from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Alberta.'

Invicta Health Center | invictahealth

Tantramarshire happenings... 

Mayor Andrew Black stood at the podium and "cockblocked" me from speaking as I stood next to him at the podium despite inviting the public's questions and input - he has failed in his mission to engage all.. he is a useful idiot for the agenda..
the agenda opposes the idea that people
would prefer to live in their own private property
if it was a basic and affordable human right.

Photo courtesy of Megan Mitton, Green MLA for Tantramar on Twitter

Sticker below was noticed in town near the Mount Allison University campus a few years 
during an evening dog walk...

Klaus Schwab long time agent of the 
lucrative charity World Economic Forum
"you'll own nothing and you'll be happy"

Charles and his loyal supporters [such as Mayor Andrew Black] are terrified of the public
learning of the fraud that is the royal family.
I work on the team of disclosure agents for
Joseph Gregory Hallett,
King John III 
in England

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