The author of the article quotes "antihatecanada" and another less successful [Matthew Sears] and often Twitter-obsessed SJW-focussed somewhat angry, controversial professor at UNB... Sears recently had this to say about's Mark Mercer on Twitter:
Wow. @TheCurrentCBC begins talking about UNB's white supremacist by bringing on Mark Mercer to talk about "academic freedom"? Come on! He's a known hack and enabler of bigots who consistently misrepresents what academic freedom is.
... the article wrongly describes Prof. Duchesne as a "white supremicist" and this characterization is false and misleading and also only serves to publicize to the American audience just how close-minded university campuses are becoming when it comes to free speech, freedom of expression and freedom of association. The article never mentions the title of Prof. Duchesne's book and makes a point of using a graphic that conjures up a dark hooded KKK figure on campus.
The article also wrongly describes journalist Faith Goldy as a white supremicist.
I get the feeling in the years to come celebrating anything white and european will be considered racist and white supremicist... perhaps the real truth is that these anti-hate speech advocates are europhobes?
Its sad but its also telling that this sort of hit piece is now being normalized when it targets a man and his work and his profession and his life and his safety.... check out the story from "Huff Puff" archived at this link