Friday 25 May 2018

Multicultural Historian: Early White Canadians Were Lazy Colonizers, Not Hardy Farmers

Multicultural Historian: Early White Canadians Were Lazy Colonizers, Not Hardy Farmers   <---- article from CEC - Prof. Ricardo Duchesne ..

excerpt here... 

Daniel Panneton, a "Historian & Outreach Officer at Multicultural History Society of Ontario," calls extremist my view that Canada was created by pioneers and settler farmers. He says it is "racist" and a "myth" to say that Canada was created by Euro-Canadians. The only historically accurate view of Canada's past is that it was a "culture of white supremacy, a culture that is continually replicated and reshaped by our political and cultural institutions."

The notion that "Anglo-Celtic" settlers endure hardships in Canada working in their farms is a "myth". Euro-Canadians were lazy colonizers who simply "usurp Indigenous lands rights" as their property, calling themselves "civilized" and designating the "Other" as "uncivilized".

Panneton offers no evidence to back any of these blanket statements. He surmises instead that his reading of The Wretched of the Earth, a 1961 book written by a Caribbean black (which I and every undergrad has been required to read across the West since published) is enough documentary evidence to question the "myth" that Canada had any substantive Anglo identity based on actual hard work. This book taught Panneton that the European colonization of Africa and the way they "essentialized" all peoples in Africa as "Negro" and "backward" applies to the way Euro-Canadians essentialized Amerindians as similarly "uncivilized". Prof. Ricardo Duchesne, 

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