Saturday 19 May 2018

Blue Elephant Gallery - Amethyst - copper on hemp pendants $15, includes handling/postage

Amethyst [dream stone] symbolizes deep love, happiness, humility, wealth, & sincerity. Brings good luck and has the power to control evil thoughts, to quicken intelligence, and make one shrewd in business matters. Always be healthy & protected from the results of over indulgence [the wearer controls and causes lovely dreams and visions and if you dream of amethyst you'll be free of harm] -- Ontario's mineral emblem.

Amethyst gently cleanses the aura absorbing negative energies.  Guards against drunkness, strengthens intuition, centering the mind so that it is receptive to answer questions that rise up into awareness.  Intuition is the sixth sense.

Purchase through "Blue Elephant Gallery" on facebook here to support the work I do on this blogger/facebook.

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