Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Antifa: Police & KKK Go Hand in Hand [ Halifax ]

Antifa from Halifax, under the name Halifax Against Hate, was recorded in a dialogue with a NCA associate.
Antifa made delusional claims about Stephen Garvey and National Citizens Alliance that bordered insanity such as the claims that Garvey and NCA support an ethnostate, ethnic cleansing, and are violent far-right, anti-Semitic, anti-black, anti-Muslim, and believe that white people are facing genocide.
Further, Antifa claimed that the Police and KKK go hand in hand, and protect fascists.
Furthermore, Antifa said that anti-fascism is self-defense, and they seek to stop NCA from organizing politically.
A NDP MLA from Halifax publicly endorsed these statements.
Global media used Antifa rhetoric labelling NCA far-right.
Now reality.
NCA identifies as true populist, nationalist federal party, and welcomes all Canadians in the party who embrace putting Canadians First.
After complaints by the NCA to the CBC Ombudsman, the CBC withdraw its false claim that Stephen Garvey was a member of WCAI, and that NCA is an anti-immigration party. Now CBC labels NCA a controversial party without explaining the basis for that claim.
Recently, Stephen Garvey was interviewed by Michael Arana who said Garvey is least racist person he knows. MIchael is a coloured Canadian.
Antifa referenced an article by Stephen, in which he pointed out factually that European Canadians are being replaced through sustained mass immigration. This demographic fact is supported by for example by Dr. Kauffman out of the University of London. Here is the article by Stephen:
In a civil society, no one is above the law of the land. The police are the thin red line between a civil society and uncivil society. They put their lives on the line everyday they put their uniforms on in service of our people and country. NCA condemns Antifa's unjust attack on police.
Antifa is facing justice for their actions on June 22, 2019 in Halifax, in which one of their members stole NCA property and assaulted a NCA member. Justice must prevail.
Nicholas Zen Graves of Halifax Against Hate has been charged with assault, theft under $5000.00, and breach of the peace or undertaking. Yesterday was his first appearance in court.

Should Intel Agencies Have 'Backdoor' Access To Internet Messages? .. with Patrick Wood.

Elly May vs the Lulamae - Custom Farmhouse

ID-Canada #DefendCanada

Last seen in Alberta cleaning up spray painted "decolonize" graffitti off Canadian historical statute.. that's right.. some young lads that give a shit about their history and their nation ... uncucked... and off leash .. thanks

Al Gore is a Politician .. He's Not a Climate Scientist .. He's a Grifter ..

Stop lining Al Gore's pockets....

#carbon tax is theft

Racist Man Thinks Canadian Red Ensign Flag is the Flag for Nazis and White Supremacy

NO FILTER productions on youtube.. thanks...

".. this is a battle of ideas now ... " says Alex van Hamme, Free Bird Media

The Red Ensign flag is part of our history...
as EuroCanadians ... the people who founded a great nation...
a nation that's so great that everyone in the world 
wants to come and live with us.

Patrick Moore - - - Resources - Energy Development - Ethical

buttons and stickers from Cody at .. message his website..

This situation is the work of US Rockefeller Brothers & Co conspiracy against Canadian oil, and Canadian Trudeau federal hate for Alberta, plus British Columbia “greens” & commies opposition to a pipeline. Alberta is in a corner and will separate from Canada is this continues.

George Carlin - We are part of Nature

« Our planet is in crisis.» Do ⁦ Blaine Higgs a⁩nd Environment Minister Jeff Carr believe we are in a crisis?
Est-ce que et ⁦⁩ sont d’accord nous sommes confrontés à une crise climatique?

Where to find Megan Mitton MLA - Memramcook/Tantramar ?

Sackville offices conveniently located across from the campus, downtown.
Online Megan Mitton's Twitter
Megan Mitton Facebook...

Megan writing notes with crayons.. with the children.. imagine that?
Hey Megan, stop advocating for carbon tax .. carbon tax is theft .. knock it off!
Does Megan realize fossil fuels are used to make roads? Go figure.

Today I am meeting with staff at the Department or Transportation and Infrastructure (DTI) again in Moncton. I have heard from so many of you regarding the state of the roads in our riding and I share your concerns

"I had a great phone call with ‪ to discuss mental health in youth and what is happening in New Brunswick. The 7 ‪Jack.Org‬ Chapters across New Brunswick, held 17 talks in the last year and reached over 5000 students to revolutionize the way we talk about Mental Health.
J'ai eu un excellent appel téléphonique avec ‪Jack.Org‬ pour discuter de la santé mentale chez les jeunes et de ce qui se passe au Nouveau-Brunswick. Les sept divisions ‪‬ du Nouveau-Brunswick ont tenu 17 conférences au cours de la dernière année et ont rejoint plus de 5 000 élèves pour faire une révolution dans la façon dont nous parlons de la santé mentale." - Megan Mitton

They have tshirts and a registered charity number:  I guess these are the things that we can expect from a young inexperienced MLA: the endorsement of another group of social engineers of the youth. is Canada’s only charity training young leaders to revolutionize mental health.
This is not a site for personal disclosure of suicidal thoughts or behaviours. If you are in crisis, please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency department for assistance.
Registered Canadian Charitable Organization number: 84852 1837 RR0001
Megan is definitely one of Liz May's besties downeast & they both know they have to get to the youth to indoctrinate them to the 'progressive green UN Agenda 2030' .. submission to global governance.

Sackvegas North.. Howdy Honklers!: What is Sackville Commons? Communitarianism.

Sackvegas North.. Howdy Honklers!: What is Sackville Commons? Communitarianism.: Its very 'progressive' and transformational work... as they're ideologically anti-capitalism... and little by little they'...

Maxime Bernier Tweets On Africa's Poop Costs to Canada

Did you know that Canada spends $850k in Africa for defecation tips? LibCon MP supports this. She thinks 💩 in Africa “matters” and should be a development spending priority. Not the PPC! Time to spend on CANADIAN priorities!

Aesthetica Europa ... Men Among the Ruins - Julius Evola

"Men Among the Ruins." Check out Julius Evola's book, Men Among the Ruins, if you haven't read it yet. "Men Among the Ruins is Julius Evola's most notorious work: an unsparing indictment of modern society and politics. Evola rises above the usual dichotomies of left and right, liberal and conservative, through a trenchant critique of the metaphysics that lies at the base of modern values, challenging us to reconnect our lives and our institutions to the timeless spiritual standard that guided our ancestors. Men Among the Ruins is not a work for complacent, self-satisfied minds... it is a shocking and humbling text that will be either loved or hated. Evola's enemies cannot refute him; they can only ignore him. They do so at their peril." — Glenn A. Magee, author of Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition

SappyFest Six: Shark Attack! - Neighbourhood #3 (Power Out) / Rebellion ...

Sappyfest is this weekend in our little town of Sackville NB .. brace yourselves.

Bosch Fawstin Luxe hotel Aug 21 2016

Valuable insight, valuable culture warrior.. thanks Bosch...


Global BEM - The Netherlands Conference - November 9 & 10, 2019 - Artivism

Yes, we are exited to announce that we are working on the GlobalBEM 2019 event in November 9 & 10 in Breukelen, The Netherlands (10 min from Amsterdam). Mark these dates!. The GlobalBEM team is working hard to finalize the 2019 program with presentations from the best experts in the field of Breakthrough Energy. We will keep you in the loop about the program, the speakers, early bird ticket sales, etc. So be sure you are subscribed to our mailinglist:

Agenda 2030: Scam of the Millennium, for U.S. Americans

the global goals for the global village idiots... thanks Niki Raapana.. ACL Books

Bryon Chase - Home Brewin' (Masons Tender Original Song)

This gentleman is a family man and a talented local musician..

I look forward to finding his next CD - if available...

Bryon is also a clever techie man... "The Fix Repair Services" Bryon Chase ..
Bryon Chase I repair all consumer electronics in Sackville. I’ve been doing it here for over a decade. I always keep recycling and repurposing in mind for the environment.
I often donate computers to youth that need it. I support the right to repair movement.
Let me know if I can be of help.