Wednesday 31 July 2019

Aesthetica Europa ... Men Among the Ruins - Julius Evola

"Men Among the Ruins." Check out Julius Evola's book, Men Among the Ruins, if you haven't read it yet. "Men Among the Ruins is Julius Evola's most notorious work: an unsparing indictment of modern society and politics. Evola rises above the usual dichotomies of left and right, liberal and conservative, through a trenchant critique of the metaphysics that lies at the base of modern values, challenging us to reconnect our lives and our institutions to the timeless spiritual standard that guided our ancestors. Men Among the Ruins is not a work for complacent, self-satisfied minds... it is a shocking and humbling text that will be either loved or hated. Evola's enemies cannot refute him; they can only ignore him. They do so at their peril." — Glenn A. Magee, author of Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition

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