Tuesday 29 October 2019

KYLE HUNT AND FRANK RAYMOND ON PROLES: PART 2 --- The Noble Human and the Unnatural Prole

The nature and elements of the debased prole were discussed in Part 1. The bad news is that the Sneak Rulers and their Mind Masters have mass-produced millions of proles, and are on the way to transforming all society into a lumpen proletariat of slaves and whores. In antithesis to the prole stands the noble, heroic and healthy man and woman. We discuss the juxtaposition between these two forms of humanity, and remember and honor one individual who towered above us all in nobility and its best qualities. If the Caucasian family of races is to survive this present lava mass, filled with sinister energies, that is warping and distorting it, slowly crushing it under, it must find strength in its nobility and innate strength, and draw inspiration from such individuals. Let everyone declare: "We shall never be prole slaves of the New World Order!" 

The New World Order and its sinister plans are outlined in Raymond's book "Sweet Dreams and Terror Cells," the politically incorrect thriller of the century. The paperback is superior to the e-book, and recommended. Find it here: https://www.amazon.com/Sweet-Dreams-T...

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