Thursday 12 December 2019

Greta "Time Magazine's Chosen One" Thunberg : Communitarianism and Language Nazis

from Moms Against Agenda 21 - Facebook page

Its not " socialism " however.. its called " communitarianism " .. eh?
learn more at " ACL Books " Alaska USA with Niki Raapana & Nordica Friedrich...

Niki will be returning to podcasting in the near future!

Hopefully we'll have a chance to contribute to the podcast.. I've promoted Niki's work for years downeast in Canada.. its key to understanding politics today.

At this point in time I'd like to point out the "Big Mother Tongue" dictionary at the back of the book being particularly relevant...

Communitarians like to re-write history and re-write language norms.. current trend in academia is erasing the term "anglo-saxon" because of... uh - racism. etc.
This could end up backfiring on them to be honest... in a big way... we'll see..

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Axel Folio
I'm not sure why I'm referred to as Ms in here and not Dr, but ok. Here's a Times article, #medievaltwitter better strap in cause our field is getting some attn.

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