Saturday 9 February 2019

Radical Traditionalism?

Married, with children, a home and a sense of tradition and desire for privacy and ownership of property is now considered the counter-culture ..

Also, what is this new kind of jive talk from a networked local who calls herself "The Felthammer" ...#Twitter is Cancer.... more shit local social justice minions say: [why not say you're Canadian? Because cucking to the narrative is key now]

"Julia M. Feltham - Social Entrepreneur + Mom + Singing Cellist. Co-founder of coworksackville. Settler living in Mi'kma'ki & unceded Wabanaki Confederacy territory." ...

These kind of "social justice" people hate regular Canadians who own homes and businesses.. why in the hell would I ever support "commies at the Commons."

If you're not Canadian & proud you're a Canadian .. you're just another hater... eh?

When you let corruption take hold of your town the only way is down... drain the swamp of commi.

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