Thursday 28 February 2019

Bruce Wark - Wark Times - working for Team Technocracy, Again..

Bruce was formerly with CBC and here is found publishing a lot of information very thoroughly for the region with an overall undeniable bias .. I can forgive him .. its in the programming.. but I do resist the b.s. being shovelled here .. what else can a sane person do? Carbon is not a pollutant.. this entire scheme is a robbery:

In his recent article he covers the cringey "Climate Change Week" in Sackville NB which is largely a university dominated 'event'... as you can imagine.  Promoting carbon tax is not worthwhile work .. nor is it productive to our economy.. I don't care much for angry Prof. Brad Walters, the extremist professor who was yelling me at a pub in town one night because I questioned the validity of the Pope endorsing his climate hysteria... nor do I respect naive Megan our MLA .. she is an effective tool for technocrats with no vision for this region.  Taxation is theft Meg.

article in part reads.... [photo from Bruce]

"Professor Brad Walters and MLA Megan Mitton at the Vogue Cinema

Memramcook-Tantramar MLA Megan Mitton says she wishes New Brunswick’s Conservative government would stop wasting taxpayers’ money going to court to fight federal carbon taxes and take action instead to avert the worst effects of climate change.
During a panel discussion Monday evening at Sackville’s Vogue Cinema, Mitton said the burden of proof against carbon taxes should rest with those who oppose them.
“This [putting a price on carbon] is proven to be one of the things we can do,” she said. “This is one of the most efficient ways to get our emissions down.”
Mitton also wondered why opponents of carbon taxes aren’t proposing an alternative.
“If there’s a better way forward, I’m all for it,” she said. “I’m not seeing a better plan. I’m not seeing an alternative.” .... 

Comment has been left but most likely, again, the comment will be 'held back'... just for your information Bruce often does not publish comments from me and I am wondering how many others this happens to as well.. see what I mean about bias?

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Carbon tax is theft .. Canada is a carbon sink .. … the government are working with technocrats to re-distribute the wealth of the citizens.. instead of an uprising in this region we have a bunch of dirty dogs rolling over in submission to global governance/sustainable development and all those people have names .. thanks Bruce.. you’re work is outstanding and thorough and gives me the intel I need to do my job. Recent event in Alberta with Dr. Patrick Moore provided by Prof. John Robson provides some balance to the discussion with an eye to some solutions… .. hope you don’t hold back this comment as well Bruce.. I’ve been keeping track of all the censorship you have done to my comments.

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