Wednesday 9 October 2024

Reminder - Andrew Black - Mayor of Tantramar Has No Idea What He is Doing

 Conferencing and photo ops... and not much else.

Black advised us last night on the livestream that he will be dying his hair pink [cancer fundraiser]... I think he just enjoys trolling the general public at this point.. he's paid a few bucks to do it.. so why not eh?  Things on his plate coming up:  'a housing roundtable' where the special included minions and staff at Town Hall spend $5K to 'invite stakeholder folx in' and set up a blabbfest of people talking about housing... BUT the last time I checked here "talkers" don't build anything.. builders build.  Get out of their way and let them build..... Simple.

Poor Debbie [first female Mayor of Dorchester].. she's now reduced to a petty tyrant's orders... shut down again last night by Black on the Town's Youtube livestream..  if you can't discuss anything in the Town Hall meetings.. what's the point?

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