Saturday, 31 August 2019

Alex Epstein - The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels | Exploring Minds podcast

Those who declare “climate emergency”—when climate-related deaths are at an all-time low—are bringing about something incomparably scarier: an “energy emergency.”

The Netherlands Conference - November 9 & 10, 2019 -

They do say that "a woman's work is never done".... and that's true...
they also say "there is no rest for the wicked" ..
Hope you all have a wonderful Labour Day Long Weekend!

Breakthrough Energy Movement

GLOBAL BEM - Breakthrough Energy Movement

Lots to absorb at the Facebook page:

⚡️GLOBALBEM CONFERENCE 2019⚡️ PLEASE SHARE THIS POST Yes, we are exited to announce that we are working on the GlobalBEM 2019 event in November 9 & 10 in Breukelen, The Netherlands (10 min from Amsterdam). Mark these dates!

Threat to the Canadian People: Radical Social Justice Agenda

Ireland Starts 'Gender Neutral' HPV Vaccine for Boys


Huwheat Fields : Xurious UK - musician [ censored from youtube ]

Sh*t Sackvillians Say.... : Jason Verbelli The Real Verbz indie researcher

Sh*t Sackvillians Say.... : Jason Verbelli The Real Verbz indie researcher...: Link here for the free energy flyer by Jason Verbelli - with printing instructions.

Friday, 30 August 2019

Vanguard podcast - The Uses & Abuses of Nietzsche with Jonathan Bowden

Indie Media Eastcoast Canada: UNB - blankets, mental health, and more ...

Indie Media Eastcoast Canada: UNB - blankets, mental health, and more ...: Newsroom News at the University of New Brunswick ...

Technocracy News - Patrick Wood on RT, 2015 -

Call out the technocrats in your part of Canada .. and keep calling them out!

CBC Interview With Travis Patron On CNP Eligibility

If you support our movement to nationalize Canada, subscribe to our email list ( or become a party member (

I am very proud of what our team has accomplished thus far. We have delivered a new political option into the public consciousness of Canadians. This revival of nationalism is the only way to save our country and preserve the Canada we once knew.

NCA Policies: Taxation, CPP, Bank of Canada - Stephen Garvey, National Citizens Alliance

Leader/founder Stephen Garvey, National Citizens Alliance breaks down more policy details on taxation and putting Canadians and their families first..... you're going to like!  Beausejour riding seeks a candidate to run in the upcoming election on October 21, 2019.. get in touch to find out more at

Adrien is the maritimes contact rep.. if you want to connect with him..
Adrien Bordage
National Citizens Alliance Of Canada
Chief Agent / Maritimes Regional Coordinator
Ph 1-833-822-8330


Meanwhile down in Halifax...

*ATTENTION HALIFAX* A hate group, the National Citizens Alliance, is coming to , . September 12th @ 5:30pm Grand Parade Event: If you want to be a speaker please contact us: (902)700-1569

Thursday, 29 August 2019

Frank Godon Speaks on the Indian Act - video [ thanks Travis Patron ]

{Reproduced from Senator Beyak's website:}

Free Speech

I have deep roots and years of experience with Indigenous people, through my own close family ties to their communities and decades of research on the truths of citizenship and inequality.

My quests for a wiser use of tax dollars, and a more hopeful life for Canada's Indigenous people, are often taken out of context or deliberately misconstrued to protect the status quo, or to create a negative story.

In February 2017 the CBC published an article on the policing of "fake news”, not my term, but CBC's own. If "fake news" as referenced by the CBC, continues unchecked, free speech is in jeopardy in our great nation. In the past months there have been several key examples of stifled or maligned debate,  including Toronto Professor Jordan Peterson, McGill's Andrew Potter, Broken Pencil's Hal Niedzviecki, and teacher Lindsay Shepherd, to name only a few.

We must be able to have truthful dialogue on all sides of important issues.

Fortunately, most grass roots Canadians are intelligent and well informed, based on their own research. Their opinions, Indigenous and non-Indigenous alike, once again flooded into my office, supporting suggestions for a new course of action and asking when serious discussions could begin, for individual negotiations and for fair settlement proposals.
Many correspondents asked "what is reconciliation”? Is it endless years of negotiations, arguments, apologies and settlements, is it moving forward together for a better future or is it something else? Canadians recognize that what we are doing for Indigenous people is simply not working. There needs to be a way of making an investment at the grass roots level into the lives of the people where the challenges exist. With billions of taxpayer dollars involved, we need a solution to share them more equitably and effectively, with vision and cooperation from all sides
Together we can find answers. It is time for a “fresh start” for all Canadians on this important issue.

Thanks Trav Patron, for the video.

Indie Media Eastcoast Canada: Canadian Anti-Hate Network - Hating On Travis Patron, CNP

Indie Media Eastcoast Canada: Canadian Anti-Hate Network - Hating On Travis Patr...: Canadian Anti-Hate Network ...

Canada's far right: Inside La Meute

2017 Quebec....

read the comments section before CBC closes it ..

Heart, The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - Alone (Live)

the world needs more " heart " .. not more politicians.... not more overpaid bureaucrats .. not more meddling 'community organizers' ... and definitely not more technocrats for UN Agenda 2030.... viva le resistance....

Heart - Crazy On You (Live, 1977)

Mountie Pride and Van Misery .. Found Around Town

 Hey, don't laugh its probably paid for.
the "Misery Machine" parked at Tim Horton's.

Greens Select Candidate for Federal Election on October 21, 2019

"Laura rough" Car + decal courtesy of fossil fuel industries.

"Community organizer" and "Climate Strike Action" promoter  - wife and mother of 2 throws in her hat and runs for the seat as Green Party MP in Beausejour against Dominic Leblanc - Election October 21st, 2019... Laura's very well known for her work with food control/anti-liberty, agitating for climate change, Extinction Rebellion, and her involvement with "Sackville Schools 2020" - they are a small group that are funded and very vocal and they want to socially engineer educators, parents and children to their technocratic agenda locally by astroturfing and creating a false consensus of what all parents want.. they are good at manipulation.

If teaching YOUR children to become protestors is important to you then Laura is your candidate..

Laura's a big fan of the Greta girl .. you know the one .. the teenage climate expert.

No doubt Sabine Dietz will be working hard in the background .. again.. for this useful candidate... this cult all worship David Suzuki and Liz May, religiously.

I'm sure there is a lot of support from the funded team called "EOS Eco Energy".. who are they? In the words of Amanda one of their team:

“EOS means dawn or new beginning. EOS Eco Energy has been around for over 15 years now and it’s here to serve the Tantramar Memramcook area with projects on climate change adaptation and renewable energy. We do a wide variety of projects whether its adaptation plans for communities or community emission reduction plans or planting rain gardens for water management or the solar panel project here at the school. We got funding from the Mount Allison Student’s Union and the Green Investment Fund in order to promote solar energy in the region and to get it up and running and being used. We wanted to provide the opportunity for non-profits, schools and municipalities to apply to get one of two grants for solar energy. One of our recipients was Salem school for their outdoor education classroom which is an awesome fit. They wanted to add panels to power the outdoor classroom to make it more sustainable and essentially off-grid. The roof slope and orientation is great for solar panels and its a great way for kids to learn about and become familiar with renewable energy and to have it be right here and for it to be normal. That was part of our idea of getting more solar panels in the area was for it to just become the norm." [quote found at Human of Sackville, facebook]

How well would Laura serve the working class people of Beausejour? Ask her:

Westmorland—Kent was created in 1966 from Kent, and part of Westmorland that was not included in the Moncton riding. It was abolished when it was incorporated into the new riding of Beauséjour in 1987.
Electors (2015)‎: ‎66,170

What would you say to these women if you met them?

Every single person you pass today has their own challenges, issues, fears, concerns. They have families and friends they love, hopes and dreams they aspire to. Every single one. Find common ground not battle ground. Let’s start there Morning!