Tuesday 27 August 2019

MLA Megan Mitton Is A Clueless Anti-Industry Politician....

Megan's Facebook photo

Who in the hell writes a note like this and encourages children to do the same and then sends it to an Ottawa MP?  This behaviour is childish, laughable, sad, weak.
Thanks for sharing this photo Megan..  I didn't vote for you because I don't agree at all with your extremist ideologies.  I get that as a Anglophone you don't work for me... you made that clear on winning your MLA seat last year!  You are getting paid $85K per year and you're not even 30 years old.. for doing what?!

I love fossil fuels ... they are valuable in our lives... and I do not want to " get off fossil fuels " because I want abundance for all people in all nations on the earth not reduced prosperity... if you could get off "drinking the green koolaid" and perhaps if you have an invention that will replace fossil fuels you could let us in on what that is? Solar panels, wind farms, what?? 'alt green' all need to mine for minerals and metals need to be produced ... and they use fossil fuels to mine those materials.. eh?  You've had bad advice from people in your young life Megan.

Our world runs on fossil fuels whether you like that reality or not and many developing nations NEED these cheap abundant energies to help their people.
Don't you know who these 'greens' think they are working for yet?
Global Technocracy!

If you think like me and you are sick & tired of brainless politicians spouting their crazy ideology -- like this woman does --- please start to speak up... I cannot do this alone.. especially without the use of platforms like Twitter and Facebook.
I have zero patience for people who think that they're 'progressive' when they're being destructive useful idiots for technocrats.  Stop complying with the UN Agenda 2030 SDGs [re-distribution of wealth global goals] and start thinking about helping YOUR Tantramar people, instead of stripping their nation's wealth!

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