Friday 1 December 2023

'Unacceptable': PM Trudeau on alleged rape, harassment at CSIS

2 years ago eminencegrise: "Cameron Ortis is a white hat who discovered Trudeau's Vancouver-based pedophile and snuff entertainment "Piggy Palace" organization used, just like Epstein's Island, to create a network of compromised actors, a form of irregular warfare Cameron Ortis's Phd thesis describes as an insurgency campaign aimed at destroying Canada's judiciary system, and so destroying social stability. Cameron Ortis is a political prisoner being held illegally by the Canadian government because Trudeau gutted the entire justice department when he "resigned" the country's only uncorrupted justice minister. Trudeau is a criminal bent on destroying Canada and he is succeeding because key members of Canada's Senate, Judiciary and RCMP leadership are corrupt and Cameron Ortis knows who they are. Someone in the House of Commons or Senate who has a modicum of respect for The Charter, our children, our seniors and our country must serve a writ of habeus corpus on our psychopathic prime minister to present the person of Cameron Ortis to the floor and have both explain to the assembly, for the record, the nature of the crimes. This must occur to restore the rule-of-law in Canada, and to free Canadians from Covid Auschwitz"

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