Tuesday 31 May 2022

Note from Bruce Wark, Wark Times on Publishing and Royals..

More on the news surrounding the Royal family story here:

Documents Submitted To Common Law Court Great Britain & International - King John The Third\

Bruce Wark so far has failed to report on the King John III royalty story from the UK... why?

"Note from Bruce Wark: In most cases, it’s a violation of copyright law to reproduce material without the consent of the copyright holder. The Irving papers, for example, were pretty strict about any reproduction of their articles. And, those of us who contribute to Wikipedia know how strict it is about using copyrighted material — especially images. That is why there are so many Wiki articles on famous people with no photos. I tried over a 10 year period to get a photo of the late Nova Scotia Liberal Premier John Savage, but the provincial government would not give me one, nor would his family. Take a look for yourself https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Savage_(Nova_Scotia_politician) In the U.S., any photo of a public figure that was taken by a government employee is automatically copyright free, but in Canada those photos are under Crown copyright and you need permission to use them.

That said, it’s sometimes possible to skirt the rules. In this case, the material in question was a paid ad that appeared in the Sackville Tribune-Post. Not sure who holds the copyright, but since the Post itself is no more, it seems likely that its owner Saltwire would not bother to object. It would be safer though to get permission from the person who paid for the ad before reproducing it."

At this link:  Savage Premier of Nova Scotia.. PREMIER JOHN SAVAGE (danielnpaul.com)

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