Friday 23 July 2021

Council Votes 7-1 In Favour of Fall Fair Fireworks... Technocrat Sabine Dietz Votes Against Fireworks Cuz Environmentalism []

eBooks - King John The Third


She said she would be voting against holding a fireworks display during the Fall Fair, but acknowledged that more conclusive evidence would be needed to make a fully informed decision.

“I know our town needs to do a lot of stuff and the expense for fireworks based on my knowledge that it is an environmental problem, fireworks in general, I will vote against the motion,” Dietz said.

Working hard for the climate change hoaxers, Sabine's dramatic anti-fireworks stance duly noted.  The word "joysucking" comes to mind...

Report from Bruce Wark here:

Sackville Town Council approves fireworks display during Fall Fair | (

some commentary left at Bruce's site by the local fan boy of the flat lie royal family:

Christian Corbet says:

"Those who voted in favour of these fireworks and who as well are always concerned for the environment, wildlife and other issues like animals and PTSD are exemplifying the definition of hypocrisy at its finest."

Thanks for the coverage of Sabine et al at the palace.. on your helpful, local website:

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