Friday 17 April 2020

Beausejour's MP Dominic Leblanc is "Privy Council" President - Cancer-Recovery Patient with Clout?

Starting racers at the "Canada Day Run" in Sackville New Brunswick,
Dominic Leblanc has been an MP for 20 years in Canada,
educated at Harvard University, married to a New Brunswick Judge 
-- Dominic Leblanc is a deep state asset and member of the "global swamp"
-- the swamp don't like real media reporting on their deeds...
-- the swamp call real media "fake news" to hide their rotten deeds..
What is the significance of the "privy council"?

"Extraordinary times require extraordinary measures and it is about protecting the public," Dominic Leblanc

Dominic Leblanc there is no where to hide now....
There are zero deaths from COVID-19
 in New Brunswick..
its not a pandemic - the fear-mongering you and your
buddy Justin Trudeau have done is far beyond
"fake news"


-- what you have done is treasonous to Canada..
you are traitors to the people of Canada.

CBC report filed six hours ago by CBC's minion

"The federal government is considering introducing legislation to make it an offence to knowingly spread misinformation that could harm people, says Privy Council President Dominic LeBlanc.
LeBlanc told CBC News he is interested in British MP Damian Collins's call for laws to punish those responsible for spreading dangerous misinformation online about the COVID-19 pandemic" --
Dominic, did you get a chance to read through the documents from Joseph Gregory Hallett yet?
The Commonwealth is in INTERREGNUM as you know..
you've sworn your oaths as MPs to an illegitimate monarch.. now what... ball is in your court.. do you step down or continue your charade?

Meanwhile at Town Hall..
its not business as usual..

Please note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and our commitment to following social distancing requirements as outlined by the province, tonight's Regular Council Meeting has been cancelled.

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