Saturday 18 April 2020

Dear X ... Free Speech online matters so much! Why?

Dear X... the plate is now missing after a storm that caused a power line and pole and tree section to all come down... on Rectory Lane near the University.

Censorship is a funny thing... it has unintended consequences and unexpected but delightful outcomes...

Survey question posted on that caused the account to be locked.  Imagine that?

Survey Question Who will be the next King of England?

Who will be the next King of England:

1. Joseph Gregory Hallett

2.  Prince Chuck

3.  Prince William [son of Diana and her lover Juan Carlos of Spain]

4.  Prince William's first born son George [son of Catherine, maybe]

Hint:  Its a legal claim and only one man is truly qualified to be King of England.

Anyone know what happened to the Bud sign in the waterfowl park this year?  It is still missing and I am wondering why.

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