Friday 27 March 2020

Maritimers Love To Travel Around and Socialize

25 deaths in Canada is NOT a pandemic...

Canadian families are spread out all over the Maritime provinces and they're being subjected to martial law.. told to stay where they are .. not to see their elderly.. not to visit with their families .. not go to public parks for enjoyment.. not go to church and gather.. not to enjoy themselves.. not socialize and gather in groups larger than five .. not shop for groceries in groups.. not walk too far from their homes... not stand near one another when speaking to each other.. and just to stay in their homes.. being told to obey the government's demands like trained dogs ... so no... I don't think this level of control is reasonable, normal, or necessary..
small businesses are being decimated by these over-the-top actions...
this is UN Agenda 2030 top down global governance in action.

Banning people from travelling inter-provincially is overplaying
your hand at this point .. and people are waking up...

I do not think Liberal politicians give a rat's ass about the needs of Canadians.

 Minion Liberal politicians are sell-outs. They're happy to work to sell out Canadians to make their greedy globalist masters happy.

 Your fear-mongering is being watched closely McNeil.  Count on it.

We all have a part to play in reducing the spread of #COVID19 in Nova Scotia. Social distancing protects ourselves and others. By limiting our interactions and avoiding close contact with others, we can #FlattentheCurve together.

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