Sunday 21 April 2019

Artivism and Lifehacks... What YOU might do...

Artivism... and lifehacks... and more.... 

What YOU might do ...

"Artivism is a portmanteau word combining "art" and "activism". Artivism developed in recent years while the antiwar and anti-globalization protests emerged and proliferated. In most of the cases artivists attempt to push political agendas by the means of art, but the focus on raising social, environmental and technical awareness, has increased exponentially as people has started to lose faith in politics and the current socio-economic system. Besides using traditional mediums like film and music to raise awareness or push for change, an artivist can also be involved in culture jamming, subvertising, street art, spoken word, protesting and activism."

Holding a sign isn't activism... nor is skipping out of school, or joining a protest march & having a large Twitter or Facebook following ... repeating what others tell you to be concerned about and following along with others in a group and not thinking for yourself isn't activism... its collectivism... our young people are being dumbed down, miseducated, propagandized and traumatized by an unrelenting stream of biased and frankly, damaging misinformation about energy and climate. #Stop Climate Abuse

The height of activism is not meeting the Pope and its definitely not suing oil companies for 'climate crimes' .. the height of activism is bothering to be educated not indoctrinated and bothering to be concerned but not following the herd off the cliff...