Saturday 15 January 2022

Expensive Endless Pond Projects for Technocrats .... "Higham's Pond" in the heart of downtown Sackville

The politics of fear: climate, covid, and ponds...
just watching the wheels go 'round here...

Why are they are always
living in fear ...? 
Remember though there is no money for a great concrete
skatepark project folks #TantramarCorruption

If you're not outraged about corruption you're just not paying attention as they say.....
Bruce Wark reports...

Local technocrats & compliant useful idiots for UN global governance/sustainable development are so scared of 1 in 100 yr flood they're spending $2 million to dig a pond in town on massive Ducks Unlimited UNESCO marsh pond site .. nuts .. idiotic.. crazy... 🤡'

and the view from CAO Jamie Burke's front porch has been improved......

'Boomer' Higham was at the helm as the event known as the 'covid pandemic' kicked off in the world.

More on the league of technocrats/useful idiots like John Higham at 

We're left with a crew of compliant vaxxed muzzled actors now pretending they represent the people.... John Higham departed politics in late 2020 and moved on to other projects in the 'community' related to 'healthcare'... and our region's apparent need for yet another 'taskforce'... go figure?  There's always a grift happening here... you don't have to look far to find the players on the take... do you?

Percy Best for Mayor ....

Percy Best says:
"The disturbing thing about the dumping is that when I went to see Manager Lori Bickford at the Tantramar Regional Service Commission to ask permission to dump the 50,000 cubic metres of soil on my property across Crescent Street from the Terra Beata facility, I was told that it was impossible because it was zoned wetland and there was no way they could allow any material to be deposited there.
Well the site is in the Sackville Industrial Park and runs all the way down to include the dyke system by our old Town Dump. It is within 800 metres of the project excavation site.. The base there is the same material composition as that which is being excavated from the St James Street area. The contractor that I was trying to help by supplying a dumping site is a LOCAL COMPANY. They wanted to keep their tendered price down as low as possible, which they could do by having a very short and practical route and as a result they were hoping to be the successful bidder and employ Sackville based trucks, equipment, and their drivers throughout the winter.
The Crescent Street proposed site is now an unused and non productive marsh area. The 5000 tandem dump truck loads of fill would allow much of this 35 acre low lot to be brought up to the elevation of the surrounding properties, like the firewood splitting business next door, and would enable it to be used in the future as a productive area of our Industrial Park. The proposal was to cap the site with shale to enable the parking of tractor trailers.
I cannot understand if any logic was used to take the material all the way down towards Frosty Hollow and then dump it in a residential/farming area just off Rte 106. Does anyone have any answers?"
Mayor of Kentville Sandra Snow 

getting it done.. 

Besides the climate change con job 
the covid con job is probably the biggest grift
we have seen in years...
the cost of the climate covid cult is immeasurable
in human lives lost and ruined and to be lost in the 
coming years.. but they don't seem to care... do they?

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