With a very low voter turnout again [over 3100 locals not bothering to vote] in 2024 Megan Mitton was able to regain her footings with only 2468 votes and win the MLA job yet again [third times a charm they say]. Her annual pay has increased to $93K -- she had voted for the increase in 2023..
‘Bye, bye Higgs’: Megan Mitton wins decisive victory in Tantramar |
First elected in 2018 Megan Mitton was promoted by Liz May Federal Green Party leader and heavily promoted in the region including a David Suzuki event on Mount Allison University campus:
NB Green Party targets Memramcook-Tantramar for election breakthrough |
Megan has received a lot of favourable non-critical coverage from local ex-CBC former journalism instructor at King's College Bruce Wark at Warktimes:
Green candidate Megan Mitton wins 11 vote squeaker in Memramcook-Tantramar |
Megan Mitton was re-elected during the 'covid scamdemic' in 2020 playing her role in the drama:
Is there anything to stop the "green machine" in Tantramar? Has everyone just given up their power to this minion for the big pharma vaxx reich mob?
One bright spark this year appeared with the resistance in Tantramar from Donna Allen, who ran as a Libertarian against Mitton and others here with the common sense approach to the climateering grifters that is warranted in these times of deception and confusion... Donna Allen called out their grift.
At this website link:
The local candidate for New Brunswick’s Libertarian Party startled about 40 onlookers at an all-candidates’ forum last night when she called climate change a hoax and a scam.
Donna Allen was responding to a question about how candidates would address climate change if they’re elected to represent Tantramar in the October 21st provincial election.
“I have no idea because I think it’s a scam,” Allen replied.
“You don’t believe in climate change?” someone called out from the audience.
“There’s climate change alright, but Irving is spraying the skies all the time,” Allen responded.
“It’s not from cows farting,” she added.
“The stuff that the government is telling us is off the charts,” she continued.
“We’ve had cows for thousands of years and in the 70s, they said there’s going to be an ice age by the 80s [and] in the 80s, they said there’s going to be a shortage in the 90s and in the 90s, they said something else was going to happen,” Allen added.
“Climate change to me is a hoax.”
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