Tuesday 25 October 2022

NB - The Panel with Terry Seguin - Health Care - October 12, 2022 | Rogers TV

Let's not call it 'healthcare' but just another embarrassingly obvious failed business model instead... we need to cut the shit and get real ... soon!

please see: http://clc.healthcare

Deaths since 2020 from covid19 in New Brunswick @ 576 with a largely now vaxxed population and most deaths occurring after their vaxx was rolled out here at very high levels so why isn't anyone asking the question about vaxx safety yet? How many boosters will be enough?  Why does Megan Mitton NEVER question this vaxx logic and why does she continue to wear a facemask to push fear here? The biggest decision of her day is which mask to put on her face... she is an 'order follower'.
A useful idiot for the "agenda"..

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