Thursday 11 February 2021

What you allow is what will continue....

 What will you allow? When do you speak up? Why has children in masks been normalized?

When I first moved here in late 2010 I was disgusted to learn that the elementary school gave children weekly sodium fluoride mouth rinses for ages 5 to 10 years in fact I was so disgusted about it that I made them stop... my children are not in school but I care about all the children being abused by the 'educational experts' in our schools... they should be ashamed of themselves... Ada Phinney at Salem Elementary... Susan Lafford at the Tantramar Regional High School ... how do you sleep at night?

Anything for a paycheque.  Disgusting.

Technocrats are vile creatures... they truly believe that humanity is a plague... sickening... evil.

this is child abuse plain and simple. this is happening because women and weak men are in control. no real man would allow this to be done to their own child. there will come a time when this will be put to a stop but for now it will continue and unfortunately it will get worse.

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