Wednesday 10 February 2021

Covid-19 Psy-Op Conspiracy is an ongoing terror exercise on the general population

Fear is the virus.. from the New Brunswick Government's own website the number of deaths reported does not constitute a pandemic.. more people are dying annually from heart disease or cancer and yet the hysteria continues for such a low number of deaths in New Brunswick so far... but a whole year almost and a lot of fear and misinformation and complete lack of scientific understanding about what a virus actually is... very much like the ignorant people promote climate change hysteria.. this has all the same markings of a "terror psyop" on soft brained people.  Will you beg for a 'vaccine'? Will you insist on it for everyone else? Will you snitch on your neighbours for standing too close to each other when talking without a mask?
This is an exercise in obediance training... so far there are a lot of very submissive mask wearing fearful humans out there getting worked up and freaked out ..  witness their abusive mandate for 'testing' [inaccurate, wasteful] for this low-kill-rate illness... how profoundly disturbing to say the very least... freedoms, happiness, joy as well as businesses are being decimated and yet the only thing people talk about are 'social distancing, staying in their bubble, stopping the spread, track and trace, self isolating, staying safe and staying home, waiting for their government to tell them what to do next and when to take their tests and vaccines by appointment! 

Wow ... there must be something in the water around here.. some crazy mind-control substance people are snorting... or perhaps its just the fearporn media and news that they are consuming... turn off the Twitter, Facebook, CBC, and endless spew of propaganda folks!

Watch 1978 "Amerika" USA TV mini-series:

China virus huh? What could possibly go wrong here? A coup for the technocracy!?

Honest question: What in the infinitely vast and mysterious fuck makes anyone think this is in any way a good idea?
Quote Tweet
UN Watch
BREAKING: #China joins U.N. Human Rights Council panel, where it will help select next world monitors on freedom of speech, enforced disappearances, arbitrary detention—and on health. @hillelneuer: "It's like making a pyromaniac into the town fire chief."

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