Wednesday 17 February 2021

Oppose the Fake Narrative .... While You Are Still Able To Do So..


Its great to see the people such as Adair [commentary shown below] found at the Govt Facebook page with this notice which has been adapted to fit reality... People that are still allowed on Facebook making their voices of common sense heard is great... if I was there I'd do the same... the fascism is rising rapidly... no one wants a swab on a stick stuck up their noses ... what the hell is the matter with the people in New Brunswick putting up with this crap?!

How many more years do people put up with this?

Old people in care homes cannot have visitors and their loved ones, friends and families come and see them and hug them for almost a year now .. sickening and wrong.. this is criminal behaviour... harmful and abusive stuff.

Adair McLellan Yes, yes, this makes so much sense. Healthy people being tested for the flu. This is how you can get your "cases" up and this allows more freedoms to be taken away, more small businesses will go bankrupt and this will make people more dependent on government. It s a great plan and I think the government is doing an excellent job of selling this show to the public. Everyone seems to be OBEYING ORDERS as they are given out. Things will remain this way until Mar. 2025. By then the population should be reduced to the government's acceptable level.

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