Saturday, 28 April 2018

Article from 2017, Edmonton Sun, Lorne Gunter "Tax Revolt"

Original article link here

This country badly needs a tax revolt.
According to a report released this week by Vancouver’s Fraser Institute, the average Canadian family earned just over $82,000 in 2016 and paid taxes of just over $35,000.
That means the typical family saw 42.5% of its income gobbled up by one level of government or another.
That’s a higher percentage than families in every other G7 country, except France.
That’s right, the Germans paid lower taxes than we did in 2016. And the Brits did too.
So did the Italians, the Japanese and the Americans.
According to Fraser, the 42.5% we surrender to federal, provincial and municipal governments is more than we pay for food, clothing and shelter – combined! We pay 37.4% for the basic necessities.
And what do we get for all that tax money? Basically two things: very happy public-sector workers and tons of waste.
Fraser looked at every auditor general’s report for the past 25 years and determined that the federal government alone has wasted nearly $200 billion simply by ignoring AGs’ recommendations.
On top of that, half of all taxes paid go to the salaries of public servants, who now earn salaries that are on average 10% higher than those of private-sector workers doing comparable jobs. Plus, they also have much better pensions, job security and benefits, work shorter hours and retire earlier.
Since taxes consume $2 out of every $5 Canadians earn, and since public servants’ wages consume half of all taxes collected, that means $1 out of every $5 a Canadian earns goes just to paying civil servants, teachers, bureaucrats, judges, social workers and other government employees.
And spare me the lectures on how the “rich” don’t pay their fair share. The top 10% of Canadian income earners paid closer to 56% of their income in taxes.
Enough is enough.
No government in the country has a revenue problem. No government brings in too little money, even though many are running deficits.
Governments are going into debt because they have spending addictions, not because Canadians are paying too few taxes.
And yet, despite all of the taxes we already pay, the federal Liberal government is about to impose one of the largest tax increases in history on middle-class Canadians.
Remember all the Liberals’ high-minded talk during the 2015 federal election campaign about standing up for the middle class?
Several campaign ads featured Justin Trudeau claiming a Liberal government would ask the rich “to pay a little more,” so his party could give middle-class taxpayers some much-needed relief.
Now those same Liberals are talking about small business owners and farmers – the very soul of the middle class – as if they were criminal tax cheats.
This summer, Finance Minister Bill Morneau has proposed eliminating many of the tax concessions employed by entrepreneurs and farmers to help them make up for the lack of benefits, pensions and job security salaried employees take for granted.
Because they have to save for their own retirements and pay their own health benefits, because they get no paid vacations, sick days, overtime or severance, and because they are constantly at risk of losing everything (including their homes), governments have typically allowed entrepreneurs and agricultural producers more write-offs than other taxpayers.
Small business owners may also lower their taxes by “sprinkling” their incomes around – paying dividends or salaries to family members who did a little work for their companies.
But because the Liberals are so greedy for more tax money, Morneau wants to close these “loopholes” and raise billions more (perhaps tens of billions more) every year.
Stop it. Now.

Xurious - The Righteous Victorious

Today's News with Emily Youcis and JF.

Northern Reaction: Canada, Democracy, and Right-wing Activism

Dave's Rock Emporium - Records ~ Rocks ~ Posters and more - downtown Sackville NB Canada

Dave's shop is located next door to Tidewater Books on Bridge St. Downtown.

"Tantramar Skate Park" Facebook project and why it exists...

I keep this page going because I believe the youth deserve the skatepark build they asked council and mayor for back in 2013 .. I have met with only resistancefrom all the well paid town employees and it actually infuriates me how little effort they put in for their paycheques.. in particular Mr. Cole has made it clear he feels the youth need to do the fundraising [$400K at least] for a real concrete skatepark .. I personally think that is ridiculous especially considering that the town hall complex cost $14Million and benefits none of us at all .. they have awful priorities and terrible spending habits in this town.. they are lazy and they are corrupted .. the town Mayor is now promoting a $60 million windfarm with the Tucz-King crony capitalists who made sure we got that $14 million town hall in 2012 .. if there was ever a case for out of touch politicians and non-existent ethics this town exemplifies it .. they survey then ignore... there is a lot of dead wood employed at that town hall.. all they've done since I got here is grow their staff .. the youth deserve a skatepark and our tax dollars should be used to build it... in a perfect world the university would chip in money, they have lots... I have faith in this project.. I believe it is a huge plus for our town.. and our region.

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Vivian Krause's Letter to Gerald Butts

Mr Butts, Again, my letter to you from last year: My questions are more relevant than ever since we now know that Tides & its funders explicitly aim to “land-lock” Canadian crude. Pls clarify your role & why U were paid US$361,642 “severance”

Gerald Butts is the Principal Secretary to Prime Minister Trudeau. 

Footage of the Counter Demonstration Against Faith Goldy at Laurier University

Discussing quotes from Dr. Jordan Peterson & Dr. Ricardo Duchesne

Scene from the Shag Harbour UFO Sighting 50th Anniversary Festival

Impact To Contact ~ The Shag Harbour Incident

Shag Harbour UFO Festival is August 3-5, 2018

Lobster Artist:  Tara Goreham -- check out more at their Twitter
Tickets for the event sold at this link

Erin Morton, Ph.D. - "white settler" feminist race baiter in Canada

"I think its important to focus on alternative systems of governance. As we learned from the Fontaine and Boushie murders, we aren't going to find justice in colonial works." - Erin Morton, Ph.D., feminist, "white settler", anti- European activist, Canada [NB Media Co-Op 2018]

So ignoring the rule of law and creating an alternative one because ... muh .. 'social justice' ... eh? Wow. Erin has no respect for 'white folks' and talks a lot of shit .. she is a race baiting, pandering, whackademic.

Listening to her presentation in 2018 at UNB .. she doesn't hide her resentment for white 'folks' at all .. Erin is a typical 'useful idiot' working in the divide and conquer of 'agitators' in society ----> watch this link


You've probably noticed them push for 'tiny homes' & small 'carbon footprints' -
USA youtuber. Agenda 21, now Agenda 2030, its a big idea, a global control plan.

Big Rings - John Searl SEG Magnetics

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

VIA Rail Canada - Trains from Sackville New Brunswick

Message from Rick Simpson at Simpson Ramadur Publishing

Dear Canadian friends, finally 📚 is available to buy or order within 🇨🇦 thanks to our retailer Olivia Brown at Professional Cannabis Consulting. To order now, contact her at:

Tantramar Skate Park - Facebook project.. since 2015

The youth deserve a great concrete skatepark build in this region and it would also improve tourism and culture and happiness for many.

Carbon Tax Is Theft -- Why is the Mayor of Sackville promoting it???

Politicians all work for the 'borgmind' known as technocracy .. they don't work for you .. once you understand that everything they do makes a lot more sense .. .. tax is theft .. Read: "Technocracy Rising... The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation"

Friday, 20 April 2018

Yes Mayor Higham "Carbon Tax Is Theft" and you can bloody well stop promoting it.

A lot of people make the mistake of thinking the local governments are places where you could have an impact if you got involved.. but they couldn't be more wrong.. I realize there is nothing but corruption, and ingrained technocracy within local government and you have absolutely no input .. nor do they solicit it.

Example 1:  'carbon tax' .. our local mayor in Sackville has been behind it and promoting it enthusiastically... why?

See this article in for more about this issue

The above photography recently featured in the article is by a local artivist "Indie Media Eastcoast".  The truth is that many Canadians are not anti-oil and gas but are opposed to carbon tax schemes and scams... your local governments do not represent your wishes and desires and thoughts and opinions.. they represent the technocrats at this point .. especially in the Town of Sackville New Brunswick.
By promoting carbon tax and an anti-fossil fuels agenda they have given themselves away to the rest of us who are actually paying attention.  Vote them out.

Thursday, 19 April 2018

Changing Minds In Calgary About Sharia Law and Justin Trudeau - AWESOME ...

The Long March Through the Institutions

Social Justice Warriors and politically-correct zealots have co-opted higher education and injected it with their own cultural Marxist narrative. Objective inquiry and free speech are a thing of the past on modern campuses.

Alberta Narrative - We Don't take Bad Advice from Out-of-Towners

Michelle Stirling, Calgary, Alberta... common sense advice..

How do you solve a problem like Naomi?

I couldn't ask Naomi about Alex Epstein's book "The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels" because the 'community' didn't appreciate my pro-oil & gas so-called hyperconservative 'neo-nazi' ideas in & had me banned that month from 🤡

[ one of my earliest memories of Naomi was coming across her talk at Totnes Transition Town in the UK on you tube where she rambled on about 'climate deniers' which I found rather bizarre .. and disturbing use of language.. she is not a scientist but she is most def. an anti-capitalism, climate hysteric propagandist]

Canada Has No Border

Thousands of people from the 3rd world have been pouring in through the Canadian border recently and the government is doing absolutely nothing about it.

June 4-10, 2018 - Hemp History Week - Hempsters !!

Banned From Twitter, Syria and More - The Red Elephant / Vince

American Vince - The Red Elephants was banned from Twitter recently.

A lot of de-platforming/censorship happening to right wing nationalist activists.

One of Vince's facebook campaigns includes "Film Your Marxist Professors"

#GIBSMEDAT / New Economy / Social Entrepreneurs / Social Enterprisers

The 'new economy' builders are nannystatists & their version of 'entrepreneurship' is mooching/taking govt$$.. so unappealing .. skills young are taught: grant-writing, a coveted tool-- they'll boast about it if you give them a chance.. 'transformational'

see what they're up to in this region, on the take here

Event DESCRIPTION:  Venture for Canada proudly presents BDC Social Entrepreneurship Talks. Join us for an evening of conversation with Joanna Nickerson (Social Innovation Manager, Pond-Deshpande Centre ), Joanna Killen (CEO, Momentum Canada)and Julia Feltham (Executive Director, Sackville Commons) and Craig Ryan (Director, Social Entrepreneurship at BDC) to discuss the shifting landscape from profits to progress in our region. 

Its why the local town firehall in Sackville was turned into 
a hub for 'social entrepreneurs' etc.
These commi need a place to gather and plot their 'new economy'
with all the 'grant writing' and 'taking' that they do 
it just helps to have 'community' support.
"Green is the new red" Liz May was in Moncton promoting this 'new economy'
as well not too long ago ... that's the same woman who got herself
arrested recently for protesting the Kinder Morgan Pipeline project.

And yes, the Mayor of Sackville promotes this 'economy' ..
I imagine its their utopian version of the future of our economy..
#GIBSMEDAT [taking money you didn't earn from others because you feel entitled to money for nothing]
communitarian economy... for the 'community'..

Why South African farmers need to be granted special visas to enter Australia

Farmers are facing persecution, torture and murder. The murder rate for farmers in SouthAfrica is 156/100,000- 78 times that of Australia. Enough is enough. How would you feel if it was your wife, your daughter, your son being tortured then slowly murdered.

Canada should also be bringing in these white South Africans but Trudeau 2.0 is noticeably silent.

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Justin Trudeau #FAILS - 400 people illegally cross the border per day

Why does Canada ignore South Africa ???

Patrick Moore – The Sensible Environmentalist

Patrick Moore is a sensible & intelligent scientist and human being.
I follow him on Twitter here

Dr. Patrick Moore - Agriculture, Human Health, and Environment

Paideia- The European Institute for Jewish Studies/Beyond the Shoah: Wha...

... I think there’s a resurgence of traditionalism because at this point in time Whites are learning to reject multiculturalism, and I think the Alt-Right is part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the multiracial societies that they have become over the recent decades. The Alt-Right is at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. Whites are now going into purification mode, and nationalists are resented because of their leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Europe will not survive..

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

To je potrebno: ljudje, veliko Å¡tevilo ljudi! - Rick Simpson & his wife Danijela update

Keep up at their Simpson Ramadur on Twitter .. here with  and Danijela Smiljanić Simpson

Is This The End Of Faceberg? Conte/Spencer, USA

Greg Conte is a vocal critic of #gibsmedat nannystatism

Facebook recently deleted Richard B. Spencer's '' and 'National Policy Institute' pages .. FYI... they're both also vocal anti-war activists who have a regular podcast on

So far you are still able to follow them both on Twitter.
Richard B. Spencer's Twitter .. and Greg Conte's Twitter

See more at "A Fair Hearing" on alt right thinkers/writers with Arktos

Trudeau 2.0 and Donald Meet Ups

Have you noticed that Trump hasn't visited Canada yet?  I noticed.

The Entire Political Establishment Agrees On The War Against Assad

Trump and Agenda 2030, United Nations

Introducing MOMMIE - Orientation to the Superlearning Event and Sophia's Correction

Saturday, 14 April 2018

A Lifetime of Truth Suppression | Richard Dolan & Jason Verbelli 2013

More on this at on these types of conference events and speakers..

More Richard Dolan here..

Flyers from Jason Verbelli, USA researcher with John Searl.