Friday 20 April 2018

Yes Mayor Higham "Carbon Tax Is Theft" and you can bloody well stop promoting it.

A lot of people make the mistake of thinking the local governments are places where you could have an impact if you got involved.. but they couldn't be more wrong.. I realize there is nothing but corruption, and ingrained technocracy within local government and you have absolutely no input .. nor do they solicit it.

Example 1:  'carbon tax' .. our local mayor in Sackville has been behind it and promoting it enthusiastically... why?

See this article in for more about this issue

The above photography recently featured in the article is by a local artivist "Indie Media Eastcoast".  The truth is that many Canadians are not anti-oil and gas but are opposed to carbon tax schemes and scams... your local governments do not represent your wishes and desires and thoughts and opinions.. they represent the technocrats at this point .. especially in the Town of Sackville New Brunswick.
By promoting carbon tax and an anti-fossil fuels agenda they have given themselves away to the rest of us who are actually paying attention.  Vote them out.

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