Monday 23 October 2023

Who The Frig is Cecile Cassista? Riverview Town Councillor, QEII Medal Winner, Andrew Black's Puppet Master...

 Plotters and social engineers of the minions and willing collaborators to manipulate the voting public and taxpayers by taking people who are "malleable" and recruiting them to work for the communitarian network which has global goals and a global governance agenda... this network would include those people still pushing jabbies, climate change hysteria, as well as those who were awarded medals from the dead QEII in New Brunswick - such as senior citizen Cecile Cassista O.N.B. @ Twitter here:

Ms. Cassista has been 'managing' and 'handling' Andrew Black for years.. he is popular with the "progressive crowd" because he's proven to be a willing initiate of the global governance agenda.

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