Monday 5 September 2022

"Not So Soft Grifting" by Hardscrabble Press in Sackville New Brunswick and the Anti Capitalists of Tantramarshire Gatherings


How do these big money transfers happen?

Why do they happen?  Who makes them possible?

Sure would be nice to get recognition for indie publishing efforts with some free money! 

Most people go about their days with zero clue about the wealth transfer that is taking place and who is behind it ... I call it their "Brave New World Agenda" and I'm not the only one calling out the social engineers, moochers, idealogues, and control freaks who like to meddle, manipulate and manage the rest of the people around here.  They don't hide.

 $4000+ in free money sure would go a long way for me as an indie publisher! Perhaps my advocacy is their biggest problem so they have to fund my 'opposition'?

 #gibsmedat #nannystate

$ $ giveaways $$... no one wins.

Instead of 'selectively' gifting free money to these local grifters and so-called special people.. like the local "Hardscrabble Press" ...

here: About — The Hardscrabble Press

the Town of Sackville should offer all of us a tax-free year... no property taxes in 2022.. tax relief... imagine that?  Its been a tough time in covid19...

I'm sure lots of people would be happy to get a break from taxation as the economy tanks.

"Keagan Hawthorne, proprietor of The Hardscrabble Press, which published Disharmonies, described the book as a conversation against capitalism" writes Bruce Wark, the ever-helpful 'presstitute'

These grifters in our region are amazingly adept at acquiring #gibsmedat money... its impressive!

Using free nannystate money to fund a book that opposes capitalism is beyond the pale .. more

at this link:

More Anti-Capitalism Shenanigans @ Mount Allison University On/Off Campus New Brunswick (

Book Launch this week with Dave Thomas and special friends [ in the anti-capitalism propaganda club ], including Bruce Wark's pal at NB Media Co-Op "Saint Tracy".. these people are all best avoided in my humble opinion.

I prefer to teach and preach on Liberty, sweet sweet Liberty... maybe the univeresity students should pursue a liberty-loving Agenda for themselves... at one time there were 'advocates' on their campus... now they're being taught nothing about free market capitalism and liberty... more at this link:

Covid19 saw the end of personal liberty and freedoms in favour of medical tyranny and abuse of human rights... there is no question this is a dark time for campus dwellers..

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