Sunday 18 October 2020

Will Hallowe'en 2020 Be The Next Casuality of the Technocracy? CHMA weighs in...

 Postering for Tantramar Skate Park Project since 2013 with zero help from Rotary and town minions.

Is it not possible that this area will be upgraded back to the yellow zone by the time Halloween rolls around? It looks like the outbreak is contained, with related people in self-isolation. I would like to hope that we won’t be stuck in the orange zone indefinitely if it becomes increasingly clear that they have successfully contained it. Various news outlets seem to be keen to say “no Halloween for you!”, but that’s only assuming that we aren’t back in the yellow…

  1. Gordon, you make very good points. Thank you for your comment, the post will be updated to reflect the possibility of returning to a yellow zone.

    1. S.A. Cunliffe says:
      Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has been approved.
      Meg.. its unfortunate to see the crew at CHMA continually censoring comments… I hope you understand the seriousness of that action.

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