Saturday 20 February 2021

Reposting: Allison Butcher Town Councillor does not speak for me #no mandated masks

Compliance to wearing face masks is not a sign of good judgment, mental health, or intelligence... its even worse to advocate for them for everyone else.. your body your choice!



"Sackville Town Council is considering asking New Brunswick’s Chief Medical Officer of Health to require people to wear masks in public to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

The idea for sending that formal request to Dr. Jennifer Russell came after a majority of councillors spoke against passing a municipal bylaw requiring people to wear masks.

Councillor Allison Butcher originally proposed a bylaw even though she acknowledged it would be difficult to pass one anytime soon.

 “I had to go to Nova Scotia yesterday and I stopped at a store and it was so refreshing to see that the mask compliance was close to a hundred percent,” Butcher told council, referring to the requirement in Nova Scotia that people wear masks in most indoor public places." wrote Bruce Wark last year..

Unfortunate May 11th 2020 elections were delayed!  This crazy fascist should have been voted out.  She works with small children and God knows what measures she is willing to implement upon them at the Daycare Centre she has been allowed to operate within the property of the Tantramar Regional High School.

Allison's kind of thinking is very distressing... Butcher the fascist does not speak for me. #No Masks

I did not vote for Allison Butcher and I hope she does not run for council again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that we have people like you who are courageous enough to let people know their rights.I have learned from many medical authorities on alternative sites that masks actually make it harder for you to breathe and weaken the immune system. Many health authorities sent out warnings to people with any kind of compromised breathing to avoid wearing masks during the heat wave we just experienced especially during high humidity. They said it could cause a stroke.
Thank you for your knowledgeable and well informed blog .We appreciate all your efforts to tell the other side of the story that main stream media does not want us to know.Keep up the great job!!