Thursday 30 January 2020

"Alberta Proud" video - Danielle Smith Explains The Truth Behind Separatist Sentiment in Alberta

Watch video of Danielle Smith Journalist at this link:

Canadians aren't winning in this 'divide and conquer' playbook.. and we will have to be wise and stand united if we want to Save Canada from the technocrats and UN Agenda 2030 in 2020.. and beyond.

Sticker found near Bill Evans' home.
Antifa are a terror group known for violence and intimidation and threats.

Why are the Town of Sackville elected politicians in the Town Hall - Mayor and councillors - acting as a thuggish cabbal?  They should not be advocating AGAINST any Canadian pipelines on behalf of the taxpayers in Tantramar.. they do not have that authority... if anything they should be throwing their whole-hearted support at our fellow Canadians in the energy industry.

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