Monday 1 July 2019

Getting Back to our Collective Natural Blueprint | Susan (Kornacki) Manewich

Susan (Kornacki) Manewich focuses on conscious leadership for the positive evolution of all life. She has spent 20 years in the areas of leadership consulting, emotional intelligence, resonant technology and better understanding human dynamics to successfully transition through these global changes




Learn why a crowd funded initiative for Breakthrough Energy is absolutely critical for our world today, and what a grassroots project encompasses. 

As the awareness of humanity changes, corporations become more powerful, governments more regulatory and information exchange happening at rapid speed, a tipping point has emerged. This crowd fund campaign is a fully transparent, honest, inclusive, multifaceted initiative where we will witness the inventors, scientists and the technology in motion. This campaign is meant to serve as a template to bring communities together, and for us to be able to collectively get our natural Source energy back. These technologies are for each and every one of us, not for the power elite or AI arena and it is time we rightfully claimed it back. Is the major missing component to why Breakthrough Energy Technologies have not hit the public because the people at large are not included in their own energy solutions?

GlobalBEM, the Breakthrough Energy Movement is an independent organization with the primary goal to facilitate the widespread awareness and use of Breakthrough Energy technology and its implications.

What began as a small group quickly evolved into a wide international network of people from diverse backgrounds including scientists, researchers, academics, artists, and business holders. While the core team is based in the Netherlands, the network spans our entire globe.

For more info, visit our website:

free energy, source energy, magnetic motor, nikola tesla, zero point energy explained, zero point energy, ZPE, vacuum energy, orgone energy, magnetic energy, browns gas, plasma energy, cold fusion, low energy nuclear reaction, lenr, open source system, aether energy, anti gravity, casimir effect, vortex energy, overunity, overunity device, quantum physics explained,

We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals or as GlobalBEM, may not agree with everything presented on this video, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth. We are a non-profit organization of volunteers and thus each member or any other person involved in any way, has to take responsibility for their own statements, acts and beliefs.

All rights reserved © GlobalBEM 2019

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