Wednesday 3 July 2019

" The Coast, Halifax " Reporter Gets It Wrong - Sandra C. Hannebohm reporting on NCA

Sandra C. Hannebohm

writes as follows:

Afederal nationalist party called The National Canadian Alliance tried to recruit members in Nova Scotia on June 22 but were met once again with heavy opposition by a counter demonstration of at least 100 people at Grand Parade Square."

Sandra is a reporter for "The Coast, Halifax" 
a free newspaper
in Nova Scotia Canada 
but she named the party incorrectly in the first paragraph..
her online article about National Citizens Alliance
in full here:

Sandra tweets...... [just imagine if Suzy Q. Public wanted to have a radio show called "The White Power Hour" ... ? Just imagine... ha! not a chance right?]

We're live tonight for on . On The Black Power Hour @ 9PM AT, and I will talk about the need for Black media in Nova Scotia, and the forthcoming investigation where we ask, "is there a school to prison pipeline in NS?"

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