Tuesday 2 July 2019

Bruce Wark Writes on the "Hussars withdraw gift of armoured vehicle"

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The park is not a large park so more equipment there is probably not a good idea.. I did see a great half pipe skateboarding ramp being built by Bucky Buckler in his backyard for his children.. and that made me smile… an understanding of remembering our veterans and their sacrifice is the theme of that park .. its not about ‘natives’ as Alex Thomas seems to think.. its about the settlers and European stock who built Canada and fought to keep the True North Strong and Free.. and whether a piece of equipment is installed there is not really the issue.. the real question for Sackville’s taxpayers and property owners is this: ARE WE ON UNCEDED UNSURRENDED TERRITORY AND IS THERE A CLAIM AGAINST OUR PROPERTY / TERRITORY QUIETLY BEING ADMINSTERED BY LAWYERS/ACTIVISTS IN AN ONGOING TREATY NEGOTIATION WITH OTTAWA BY A NATIVE GROUP WHO WANTS TO CLAIM THIS SPACE? John Higham is a consultant with natives .. I suppose he would be the one to ask at regular town hall meeting .. why? Because in the words of ‘organizer activists’ Naomi Klein: THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING.
Bruce's article - I left the comment above because I'm interested in the big picture around here immensely.. aren't you?

Next Election is in 2020... 
I won't be voting for Mayor Higham, 
a consultant to natives... what does he care 
about my family's wishes for Sackville?
I have asked him to support a new concrete skatepark project
and he pretends he is deaf.....
I no longer talk to him .. what's the point?
For those of you using Facebook ask yourself this:
if he can't even bother to run a Facebook page to interact
with his voters why should I support him?

About Chignecto

Chignecto Consulting Group Inc. has offices the East and West Coast of Canada. We offer a comprehensive range of professional services specializing in projects and issues affecting Aboriginal people in Canada. Working nationally and internationally with an impressive and capable array of associates, Chignecto Consulting Group offers clients, Native and non-Native, expert advice and assistance.

Thanks Bruce.. good job as always..
Facebook...  "New Wark Times" https://www.facebook.com/warktimes/

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