Wednesday 3 July 2019

A Face to Face Interview with Dr Judy Wood - 24 Aug 2017

In August 2017, I visited Dr Wood in South Carolina, USA and took the opportunity to record an interview with her. Though I managed to lose one of my cameras while travelling, and the other camera didn't record everything properly, the rest of the interview is here.

Yes, I talk a lot at the beginning, but it was to try and carry along folks who are not as familiar. I know Dr Wood well and I didn't just want to cover the same stuff that has been covered so many times before. So, I had to move things along quickly to get it done in about 1 hour. I've been involved with the material and Dr Wood for about 10 years, so that was partly why I was talking more than I normally would - to move things along.

We discussed how we came into contact with each other and I also asked her some questions which interested people (some came from members of the 911 Faceboook group I administer -

Here is the article about Richard Hoagland that I mentioned:

Here is the interview with Joseph P Farrell that I included a segment of:

Also see:

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