Tuesday 19 June 2018

Ban Islamic Party of Canada - Stephen Garvey, National Citzens Alliance

Upon forming government, the National Citizens Alliance would ban the Islamic Party of Canada. 

This ban would be implemented through the NCA ban on the practice of radical, extremist ideology. 

NCA Ban on Extreme, Radical Ideology Policy Statement
These are a number of realities relevant to the Canadian people:

● European Union migration crisis

● Spread of radical Islamic terrorism to over 30 countries

● Historic mass immigration in Canada

● Federal Government that states Canada has no distinct identities or cultural norms

● Federal Government that fails to call out directly sharia

● Growing concern among Canadians about their safety and well-being in regard to international terrorism and foreign cultural threats

In response to these realities, the National Citizens Alliance (NCA) supports a federal ban on the practice of radical, extreme ideology that fundamentally undermines our human rights and traditional cultures.

For example, the NCA believes that Mormon fundamentalists who support polygamy and polyandry as practiced in Nepal, China, and northern India fall into the category of radical, extreme ideology. Polygamy violates our human rights and the Canadian criminal code. Therefore, the NCA supports banning the practice of any ideology that supports polygamy.

As another example, the NCA believes that Sharia falls into this category of radical, extremist legal ideology. Therefore, our party supports a ban on the practice of Sharia in its entirety–including a ban on Sharia Courts upon Canadian soil. Further, we support banning the foreign funding of mosques in Canada.

Sharia is Islamic Law as interpreted from the Quran and Hadith. Below is a sample of Sharia that violate our belief in separation of religion and state, as well as equal treatment of all Canadians regardless of ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation:

● The mosque and state are not separate.

● Apostasy laws, including imprisonment or execution, may be imposed on anyone who leaves Islam.

● Blasphemy laws, including imprisonment or execution, may be imposed on critics of Islam or Muhammad (infidels).

● Homosexuals may be imprisoned, flogged, or executed.

● Adulterers may be stoned to death.

● A mature man may marry a prepubescent girl.

In order to implement a ban on the practice of extreme, radical religion, ideology and/or way of life, the National Citizens Alliance will do the following:

● Initiate amendment of the Canadian Charter under Section 2, in order to put reasonable limits on the freedom of religious belief and practice in Canada

● Implement the ban both domestically and through new immigrant screening protocols that deny newcomers with extreme, radical beliefs entry upon Canadian soil

The National Citizens Alliance believes that the federal government has a primary duty and responsibility to provide safety to the people from external and internal threats, and that extreme, radical ideology is a threat to the Canadian people. Therefore, the NCA supports measures against radical extremist ideology including a federal ban. The NCA will work with any other party to ensure that this ban becomes reality.


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