Wednesday 2 October 2024

Andrew Black Mayor of Tantramar Attends At Ottawa [ Facebook Post Re-Shared Here ]


The first day of the #CEPCA2024 has concluded. Discussions included Canada's National Adaptation Strategy, building resilient and sustainable communities, Canada's disaster resilience framework, emergency management implementation and disaster recovery operations.

The two key take aways from the day, that was repeated again and again: 1) the importance of public, private, ngo and non profit collaborating on climate adaptation and emergency measures through priority setting, responsibility recognition and communication. 2) the continued importance of public engagement and education on climate change, disaster risk, and the increased need for adequate funding for resilient infrastructure.

I toured the exhibition floor and spoke with some of the industry experts about Tantramar and our own natural and built climate infrastructure as well as the deep concern about the lack of movement from the Federal Government and the Government of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia on the Chignecto Isthmus.

A great day, amazing panelists and thorough information for all attendees."

More here:
Canadian Emergency Preparedness and Climate Adaptation Convention (
CEPCA - Canadian Emergency Preparedness and Climate Adaptation Convention | Facebook
CEPCA Day 1 of Exhibition & Conference Highlights! - YouTube

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