Sunday, 20 December 2020

Don Johnson President - Hamilton Halton Landowner Association Update


Amendments to the
“Conservation Authorities Act”

As a property owner affected by Conservation Authority (CA) interferences, I have a good knowledge of the Conservation Authorities Act and issues concerning CA’s. I have participated actively in the MECP public meetings and MECP meetings with various sectors, which includes the 37 CA’s in the Province plus numerous environmental groups and other interest groups.

In every meeting, everyone agrees “protecting the environment was important”. The interesting part was that even the CA’s were saying they were not completing their own mandated watershed management responsibilities and that many were focused on non mandated activities which were recreational in nature. Many also stated they did not have expertise in their organizations to do the watershed management studies or projects and that they relied on hiring outside expertise from other CA’s.

The nightmare of the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) and its development permitting was clear to all and the fact the NPCA defied the minister on grounds they said he had no authority, is now clearly put to bed.

Forcing the CA’s to now be more accountable to taxpayers for their spending is a good thing.

So to is the right to appeal to the government when a high level balanced decision, which affects environment, the needs of society and rights of property owners, is needed.

If one takes the time to read the old act, read the background reports and studies re the problems CA’s have caused, then studied the changes being made, you will come to the realization these changes do not result in less protection of the environment, they result in more CA accountability to the taxpayers and citizens.

The Ford Government and minister Clark should be congratulated on the changes they have made. The changes do not result in less protection of the environment!

Don Johnson
President Hamilton Halton Landowner Association

Sent from my iPhone

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