Friday 11 October 2019

UBC - SFE & SAFS - - Duchesne/Hecht Event October 9th @ UBC - Society for Academic Freedom & Scholarship - Facebook .. kudos to Mark Mercer for keeping the culture of free speech alive and a priority in Canada.. next event... - Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms -
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November 14 is the deadline for our 2019 Essay Contest and is open to students enrolled at a Canadian post-secondary institution. This year’s essay question is ‘Should universities police student behaviour at private events?’:

Sponsoring events across Canada including UBC Students for Freedom of Expression event with scholars Ricardo Duchesne and Mark Hecht last night.

Nicholas Kosovic's group UBC Students for Freedom of Expression are leading the way with event such as this in Canada .. earlier this year they hosted Megan Murphy - a controversial activist and speaker [that video is one of the popular posts on this blogger] and the reality is that students must be on the forefront in university - their professors and administrators are not the ones who will do it:

"Last night we hosted Instructor Mark Hecht and Dr. Ricardo Duchesne to give a talk about immigration at the University of British Columbia . We knew that another student group, which disapproved of the subject matter and the speakers, planned to have a protest against the school allowing those whom they deem intolerable to speak on campus, but we did not expect this. Protests can be reasonable, and have been many times in the past.
The UBC Students Against Bigotry, seeing that the UBC Administration would not cancel the event, took the matter into their own hands. What resulted was a violent riot that put everyone's safety at risk.
As a group that aims to investigate and challenge controversial ideas in a hyperpolarized political atmosphere, we need to address what SAB is doing to make it worse. Many of the individuals who commited to disputing our speaker's ideas were intimidated at the door. It seems outrageous that visible minorities who were brave enough to speak up were called "bigots" and "Nazis" when attempting to enter the building. Some never made it into the room because of this.
People who simply worked or studied in the building were subject to harassment by a crowd of black masked thugs. Having no relation to the event itself, they too were subjected to this madness.
The Students Against Bigotry claim they are a non militant group, and yet they invited Antifa organizations and joined into a violent demonstration. This is an enormous safety concern. It was abundantly clear that they came to intimidate not only people with whom they disagreed, but anyone wanting to have a dialogue. This is an unprecedented mindlessness to have come to our campus.
We will work with the school to mitigate violent behavior masquerading as peaceful protest and provide a hospitable environment for the members of our community.
We need to show that we can talk to each other without the need for a riot.
More information on the event to be released soon."

"RCMP were called in as tensions rose outside a controversial event at the University of British Columbia Wednesday night. 
The event organized by student-led group Students for Freedom of Expression invited two controversial speakers to attend. One of them was Mark Hecht, who wrote a highly-criticized anti-immigrant op-ed for the Vancouver Sun last month. The other speaker was Ricardo Duchesne, who has been critical of multiculturalism and Canada's immigration policies. But the event was met by dozens of protesters, upset over the university's decision to give a platform to what they say is far-right hate speech."

Tweeting from the UBC Students for Freedom of Expression's event entitled Academic Freedom to Discuss Immigration featuring Drs. Duchesne and Hecht.

Protesters outside are pushing, blocking, & shoving attendees. Only way to enter is to be shoved in with help from security.

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