Thursday 24 October 2019

The New Wark Times - New from the Margins - Bruce Wark

Bruce Wark -
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Bruce and I cover different ideas & stories with our own biases rather evident but we both contribute to the culture and news and information flow around here.  We are not a team nor are we allies .. but we are both engaged in what we see taking place in our part of Canada.  I am not a 'journalist'.  I publish this blog of ideas & information in the hopes of helping people learn things the news isn't telling them.

I recommend more books.. books that I don't see other people recommending at all and I'm also more charitable and supportive of Canadian oil and gas industry.

If Canadians don't begin to understand how important our own oil and gas energy sectors are we will become "energy dependant" on other nations .. that's a very scary thought .. our problem at this point is the sheer volume of propaganda churned out against our own Canadian energy sectors and the denial of their value in our 'cold nation' .. I often wonder how many people really grasp how dependant we are on oil and gas to drive our economy and improve our lives.

I think the lack of a good common sense education is a HUGE problem and I am convinced the problems are based at places such as Mount Allison University.. a university that is a hub for propagandists and 'change agents' and progressives at this point.. and a pipeline for international students.

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Citizens Intelligence Network confirmed my suspicions with this extensive write up on Soros, Trudeau, SNC & The Canada Investment Bank....

Elaine Dewar author of "Cloak of Green", Mount Allison Univeresity Library copy.. no one checked this book out since the 90s - it was published in 1995 - when I check it out a few years ago .. the book is very important but mostly overlooked because it exposes the Liz May and David Suzuki and the late Maurice Strong efforts and influences on Canada...
I wonder if Bruce has read "Cloak of Green"?

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