Friday 11 October 2019

Conservative Vincent Cormier - Candidate for Beausejour - Election 2019

Voting for a common sense voice in Beausejour... Advance polls in Sackville today... See Facebook video today with the message from Vincent:

"There is absolutely no question that climate change is an important issue that needs to be addressed.

However, like any other issue, we need to be rational in our approach.


The Trudeau government’s approach to climate change is not making any difference on the global scale and is costing average Canadians like us a pretty penny. 

Companies are in operation because they are meeting a demand. This demand is controlled by the and me. If we change the demand, we change how industries work. 

We, consumers, need to change our consuming habits. We need to invest in new technology that will emit less pollution and we need to hold those who pollute accountable in fixing the areas they damaged. 

We need to lead by example and have real solutions. Solutions start with us. We need to get our house in order; then we can go after the heavy polluters of the world. 

This election, vote for a responsible approach to tackling the challenges related to climate change! We can’t take the current misguided approach if we want to fix our climate problems. 

Let’s use common sense and tackle the problem dead on!"

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