Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Friends of Science - Canada & Dr. Tim Ball

Not all adults in Canada 'get off' upsetting children about the climate and those people are called 'climate deniers' [note the creepy holocaust connotion that they came up with] .. but what they are really are 'climate realists' .. skeptical of deception.. the reason 'climate realists' are attacked so much is because 'climate hysterics' are actually eco-fascist bullies with a dislike for science and reason and a strong desire to control others and their activities under the 'guise of saving the planet'.

.. if you meet an eco-fascist who wants to upset your children tell them about the other drivers of climate and ask them to read Canadian scientist Dr. Tim Ball's books.. and  help set them right from being scared and lost youth who are mentally abused [like Greta Thunberg] and propagandized.. be an adult and make sure you put them on a positive path to straighten out the facts and the disinformation .. give your young teens books by Dr. Tim Ball; you will be doing them a big favour ... [ Al Gore is not a scientist, he's a con artist ]


Friends of Science

Also, when the National Chief, First Nations Assembly wants to give advice on taxation .. I tend not to listen .. he's not my chief; no sale Perry.

#carbon tax is theft

Putting a price on carbon isn't just good for the environment, it's also backed by sound economic principles.

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