Sunday 2 June 2019

The Relentless Drugging of Our Society

Recent article from Bruce Wark on a pot farm enterprise:

One commenter writes....

"So there is pot growing all over this town already .. and sadly, there are drugs in the schools and medicated children being doped by ‘helpful concerned’ people.. and ….. there are hard drugs in the university being sold from the dark web to keep students ‘high to study’ and the youth are freely mixing alcohol, pills and pot .. besides bringing in the new Bagtown Brewery and a Cannabis NB and now a new special pot biz .. do they want to do anything constructive for the youth here? Just wonderful… Tantramar Skate Park — because healthy young people make for a healthy town… I oppose pot and booze and pill culture #big pharma and the opiod crisis are harming our society. #stay clean" - S.A.
A business wants to grow more weed here .. no doubt they'll find it an easy sell eh? Because 'green' weed is more useful for their dumbing down agenda than 'green hemp'.