Wednesday 26 June 2019

Fatal Flaws Film Clip : “They wanted me to do an assisted suicide death ...

During an emergency hospital stay, 25 year old Candice Lewis says doctors tried to pressure her into an assisted death. One year later, Candice - who lives with Cerebral Palsy - is back doing what she loves most, painting and spending time with her family. Candice lives in St. Anthony, Newfoundland, Canada. Candace's testimony is featured in the upcoming film "Fatal Flaws" being released in 2018 from DunnMedia in association with The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition and other supporters.


& on a personal note: ... they're killing people in hospitals more than people realize.. they just took my dad out last year .. I watched them do it with drugs and laser like precision as a team... its disgusting .. my heart breaks for people finding out this truth.. thanks for the video share by youtuber AMAZING POLLY

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