Clever villagers, industrious people, valuing privacy, liberty, prosperity, wise informed locals, critical thinkers, conscious elders who reject and opt out of United Nations Agenda 2030 "sustainable development global governance propaganda" --- - - - - - - Defund deathcult big pharma vaxx reich mafia #DefundFCM #DefundUniversities #DefundSERSC #SmashTechnocracy #TantramarLibertarians #ExposeFrauds
Monday, 31 December 2018
Sunday, 30 December 2018
Canada in Decay - Ricardo Duchesne - best-seller, 2nd edition 2018
reproduced from original article..
Chaque année, les presses européennes et étasuniennes impriment des dizaines et de dizaines d’ouvrages non-conformistes écrits par des auteurs identitaires, nationalistes ou se réclamant de la Droite alternative. D’ailleurs, impossible de tout lire !
Au Québec cependant, et même au Canada, les auteurs rompant avec la rectitude politique sont rares. Trop rares. Heureusement, nous avons Ricardo Duchesne qui vient d’ailleurs de publier un troisième livre « Canada in Decay », un livre 100% canadien qui mérite l’effort de le lire dans la langue de John Bull.
Une lecture sérieuse et fortement documentée, quoique pas tout à fait académique, qui intéressera les dissidents d’ici, y compris les souverainistes purs et durs qui n’ont rien à cirer du reste du Canada.
Ce que nous vivons ici, avec l’effacement de notre culture et la menace démographique, n’est pas un destin unique, les Euro-Canadiens du reste du pays sont affligés par ces mêmes maux. Au lieu de considérer les Anglais comme nos ennemis, il est important de réaliser qu’ils sont compagnons d’infortunes dans le Grand remplacement.
Il faut se rassurer, malgré le titre un peu « loyaliste », Duchesne n’a rien d’un suprématiste anglo-saxon ou d’un orangiste sorti d’un autre âge et il fait d’ailleurs la part belle aux Canadiens français, québécois et acadiens. A nous de lui rendre la politesse et de braver la langue de Shakespeare pour écouter son message.
Si je pouvais résumer le livre de Duchesne en une seule expression ce serait : « un argumentaire imparable contre l’immigration de masse et le multiculturalisme ».
Avec son approche historique, mais aussi philosophique, l’auteur dénonce avec brio l’ethnocide (la destruction de l’héritage ethnique) que subissent les Euro-Canadiens, soient-ils Anglais ou Français. Duchesne s’attaque au premier mythe des révisionnistes historiques, celui voulant que le Canada fut fondé par des immigrants. Ce mensonge qu’on entend dans les médias et dans diverses universités donne l’impression que les politiques d’immigration de masse mis en place depuis les années 70 existèrent toujours. De un, c’est faux : en prenant l’exemple du Canada français, la population européenne s’implanta ici et sa croissance ne fut due qu’à sa propre vigueur démographique, l’immigration française stoppant en 1760. Les Canadiens-français sont donc un peuple qui est né sur les rives du Saint-Laurent émanant des premiers colons – et non pas immigrants. Les populations asiatiques, africaines et autres n’arrivèrent ici qu’après les années 70, lorsque le gouvernement ouvrit les valves à l’immigration des pays non-Européens.
Pour les Anglais, la situation est somme toute similaire. La population de colons arrivée suite à la Conquête fut renforcie des Loyalistes en provenance des colonies britanniques américaines, donnant naissance à un peuple canadien d’origine britannique. Il y eut certes des vagues d’immigration subséquentes, mais cette immigration était une immigration de colonisation quasi exclusivement européenne. Aussi en 1970, la population était à 97% blanche.
Le fait qu’aujourd’hui on nous présente le Canada comme un pays d’immigrants et multiculturel depuis sa conception relève de la manipulation historique dont le seul équivalent est l’Union soviétique. D’ailleurs, ça ne prend pas un doctorat pour constater que le discours officiel des bien-pensants ne tient pas la route : d’un côté on nous présente le Canada comme une mosaïque multiculturelle depuis le départ et de l’autre côté ces mêmes révisionnistes ne cessent de nous culpabiliser en nous présentant le Canada comme un pays suprématiste blanc qui aurait opprimé les minorités depuis le début de la colonisation. Ce genre de contradiction fut théorisé par George Orwell comme étant de la doublepensée, soit penser une chose et son contraire sans réaliser la contradiction inhérente.
Aujourd’hui comme en URSS, et Mathieu Bock-Côté l’a très bien démontré dans ses derniers ouvrages, on présente les dissidents comme étant atteint d’une pathologie. Ainsi, quiconque s’oppose au multiculturalisme risque d’être déclaré malade mental, l’ethnocentrisme étant une nouvelle maladie. Pourtant, à relire les déclarations des MacKenzine King, Richard Benett et Henri Bourassa, on réalise bien qu’au Canada et au Québec, l’ethnocentrisme était la norme et que tout le monde s’entendait pour préserver l’identité européenne du Canada. Les sondages et les consultations postérieures démontre que si le discours public a changé du tout au tout, la population a conservé en partie cet ethnocentrisme et ce malgré l’imposition d’une immigration et d’un multiculturalisme dont elle ne voulait pas et le lavage de cerveau opéré dans les écoles et les médias.
C’est une véritable spirale de radicalisation qu’a vécu le Canada et nombre de pays occidentaux d’ailleurs. L’immigration fut d’abord étendue aux pays non-Européens, contre la volonté d’une population qui devait être rééduquée; puis Trudeau a imposé le multiculturalisme comme religion d’état, d’une part pour ramener les Canadiens français au rang de culture parmi d’autres, mais aussi pour exalter les apports des autres groupes ethniques et miner la base ethnique et culturelle du Canada. Rappelons comment, lorsque Trudeau a imposé le multiculturalisme, 96% de la population canadienne était d’origine européenne.
La spirale aurait pu s’arrêter là. Mais non, les conservateurs de Brian Mulroney s’enfoncèrent en augmentant l’immigration de façon inconsidérée et en appuyant l’Employment Equality Act de 1986 mettant à l’avant plan la « discrimination positive » qui privilégie un immigrant fraichement sorti de l’avion par rapport à un Euro-Canadien présent sur le continent depuis des générations.
Trudeau fils est parvenu à aller plus loin que son paternel en parlant du Canada comme un pays « sans identité centrale » et le premier pays « postnational ». Il ne s’en tient malheureusement pas qu’aux paroles. Il a augmenté l’immigration de masse à des sommets indécents et pousse l’audace jusqu’à accueillir les illégaux à bras ouverts invoquant l’idéologie imposée aux Canadiens par son père.
Aujourd’hui, le bloc multiculturaliste auquel nous nous opposons n’est pas monolithique malgré ce qu’on pourrait croire. De Kymlicka à Charles Taylor en passant pas les Kellie Leitch et nos péquistes, il existe plusieurs visions du vivre-ensemble. Pour certains, il faudrait assimiler la population immigrante non pas à la culture européenne, mais à un certain ensemble de valeurs libérales. On demanderait ainsi à tous de se fondre dans une masse dont la cohésion serait assurée par une profession de foi au multiculturalisme, à l’égalité homme-femme et autres valeurs « québécoises » ou « canadiennes ». C’est ce que le Parti québécois prônait. Au centre, il y a les partisans de la mosaïque où les minorités peuvent ne pas s’intégrer en autant qu’elles ne remettent en question ouvertement l’état de droit et ses principes. Cette vision est celle du Parti Libéral du Québec. Plus extrême, il y a ceux, comme Québec Solidaire qui croient que la libre circulation est un droit et que les nouveaux venus ne nous doivent rien et qu’ils peuvent s’ils le souhaitent rejeter nos « valeurs » et conserver les leurs comme la Sharia et autres croyances incompatibles avec le libéralisme.
Toutes ces croyances se basent sur le même postulat : les minorités ont droit à une identité ethnique propre, à des droits individuels et collectifs, alors que la majorité européenne ne se voit accorder que des droits individuels, son identité collective étant de facto niée. Le Canadien d’origine européenne n’existe qu’un niveau de l’individu et ne peut que défendre des droits individuels, alors que le Sino-canadien peut défendre ses droits individuels et avoir des revendications ethniques et culturelles.
Toutes ces idéologies sont donc à balayer du revers de la main. Autant la droite que la gauche adhèrent à cette version inspirée du marxisme culturel niant aux peuples européens toute possibilité d’existence collective. Les nationalistes qu’on aurait crus plus courageux ont noyé leur philosophie dans une acceptation civique vidée de sa substance. Pragmatique, Ricardo Duchesne va même jusqu’à affirmer, et on constate là toute l’originalité de sa pensée, que pour le moment c’est au sein du multiculturalisme-mosaïque que les Euro-Canadiens ont davantage de chance de se faire entendre. On peut être en accord ou non, par contre concernant son assertion que l’immigration de masse est le sujet le plus important actuellement, impossible de ne pas être en accord.
Ricardo Duchesne. Canada in decay : mass immigration, diversity and the ethnocide of Euro-Canadians. Black House Publishing, 2017, 369 p.
Source : Fédération des Québécois de souche
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Immigration Watch Canada - resources, population, stability
Question for Andrew Scheer's PCPs, Justin Trudeau's Liberals, Maxime Bernier's People's Party of Canada:
Why does Canada need to take in 250,000 immigrants per year? Surely we can make incentives to Canadians to have more children... surely the cost of multiculturalism and extreme diversity is more expensive than most people realize or are being told.. endless programmes and funding for 'newcomers' and 'refugees' to start businesses, pay for their welfare, housing, dental/medical and so much more.. why is it that our politicians appear to work for the 'immigration lawyer cartel'.?
Saturday, 29 December 2018
Tantramar Skate Park --- Project
Bringing a little magic and whole lot of "hell yes!!!" to the youth in this region of Tantramar ...
You don't need more ponds... you need a little bit of something awesome here.. because the kids are alright xo
You don't need more ponds... you need a little bit of something awesome here.. because the kids are alright xo
Leiptr - nostalgic about the future
For Dad.. You will always be missed and always be loved and honoured... see you in the stars xo
Trudeau to monitor people who oppose mass migration
You have to drill down to the 5th layer of the "Migrant Invasion" narrative before you get to the truth:
1. “It’s not happening”
2. “It’s natural”
3. “It benefits us economically” (what conservatives say)
4. “They’re poor & need rescuing” (what libs say)
Plenty of folks are monitoring you too at this point Trudeau 2.0 [ the nation wrecker ] and apparently gallow's humour is very popular in Ottawa these days.. Trudeau's sure to enjoy 2019 because he'll be hearing a lot more from those people he so often presumes to speak for .. enjoy the ride... and buckle up... its a culture war.
Follow real news; not fake news.. follow indie media! #boycott CBC
- Canadian Immigration Policy Institute
Friday, 28 December 2018
Communitarianism and The Pope
September 2015 article from Niki Raapana blogger.. .......
ACL Books, Alaska USA
Stop U N Agenda 2030
"Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?" - Maurice Strong, Canadian [ quoted in "Cloak of Green" by Elaine Dewar, 1995 ]
United Church - downtown Sackville New Brunswick
The centre of downtown and its "United Church" [in the old town hall building] at the corner of Main Street and Bridge Street/York Street [or as I like to call the "United Nations Church" because of its globalist alliances and dogma] has taken the position that it will now permanently fly the rainbow flag and the transgender flag [which is pink and blue and white] .. it does not and will not acknowledge and support the straight people of the community by flying their flag though so it would appear that this church is not inclusive.. if a church is not inclusive is it discriminating against others? Yes.. and they have gone so far as to label the straight pride flag as a hate flag .. that's how badly these people are behaving. They are unreasonable and filled with hatred for straight people it would seem.
Immigration... the policy that they don't want you to question
I started this blogger due to censorship at and online...
I stood at the campus at the Pride Sackville 2015 and listened to a rev. Perkin declare to the crowd they "were all global citizens on unceded territory" and I was amazed that a group of 200 people could be told such a thing by an obvious idiot.. a weak man with an agenda and a lack of backbone and courage.. a cuck....
and because of the issues that I continue to find important and worthwhile I will continue to publish information that is conveniently not published, ignored or suppressed... I have zero tolerance for those working against the nation ..
so here I am .. bringing to the attention of Canadians in the Tantramar that real stuff that CBC does not address.. and since this PM was [s]elected there are many issues that need to be addressed.. including "mass" immigration policy... immigration is one thing; MASS immigration is a culture wrecker -- Trudeau 2.0 will never ask Canadians for their thoughts on this because he is more content to recite his mantra of "we need mass immigration for our economy" -- that's how you know he is a sell out to globalists.. he must be voted out .. removed from office.
Over the past few months Maxime Bernier has shown real leadership and real sense of understanding when it comes to what Canadians want to talk about and what they are concerned about... Trudeau 2.0 is working against our interests.
This is the petition
Thursday, 27 December 2018
Holland, 2012, Dr. Judy Wood, Global BEM presentation - 911
Gina B. writes...
Judy Wood is an odd duck but she's an expert in materials/physics and she wrote a book on what happened. Thermite didn't do this. There was thermite everywhere because thermite is made from rust + aluminum. The buildings were clad in aluminum and DEWS turned iron into rust dust. The people jumped because they were being microwaved.
"This book is a forensic analysis of what effectively is a crime scene. Ground Zero and the surrounding areas were photographed countless thousands of times, yet no one really assessed all of the phenomena found in these photographs. What is presented in this book is not a theory and it is not speculation. It is evidence. It is the body of empirical evidence that must be explained in order to determine what happened at Ground Zero.
"This book is a forensic analysis of what effectively is a crime scene. Ground Zero and the surrounding areas were photographed countless thousands of times, yet no one really assessed all of the phenomena found in these photographs. What is presented in this book is not a theory and it is not speculation. It is evidence. It is the body of empirical evidence that must be explained in order to determine what happened at Ground Zero.
Anyone declaring who did what or how they did it before they have determined what was done is merely promoting either speculation or propaganda. The popular chant, "9/11 was an inside job," is, scientifically speaking, no different from the chant that "19 bad guys with box cutters did it." Neither one is the result of a scientific investigation supported by evidence that would be admissible in court. Neither identifies what crime was committed or how it was committed.
The order of crime solving is to determine
1) WHAT happened, then
2) HOW it happened (e.g., what weapon), then
3) WHO did it. And only then can we address
4) WHY they did it (i.e. motive).
Let us remember what is required to (legally) convict someone of a crime. You cannot convict someone of a crime based on belief. You cannot convict someone of a crime if you don't even know what crime to charge them with. If you accuse someone of murder using a gun, you'd better be sure the body has a bullet hole in it. Yet, before noon on 9/11/01, we were told who did it, how they did it, and why they did it (they hate us for our freedoms); before any investigation had been conducted to determine what had even been done.
Many people have speculated as to who committed the crimes of 9/11 and/or how they did so. But without addressing what happened, speculation of this kind is nothing more than conspiracy theory. My research is not speculation. It is a forensic investigation of what happened to the WTC complex on 9/11."
As the year winds down... especially for our young people... know this truth.
"Waking up from anti-White brainwashing can be extremely difficult, but there's a lot of us now and you are not alone".... you need to know this truth.
Wednesday, 26 December 2018
Demian Hammock's Frustrations.....
Published comment at Bruce Wark's website on this article...
Demian Hammock says:
Declining Enrollments at Mount Allison University.
Why Liberal Arts Universities in Canada like Mount Allison University have Now Passed the Point of No Return.
Mount Allison University and the majority of universities have gotten wrong and what they don’t understand. Or perhaps in just plain old denial.
Pumping out too many Liberal Arts Degrees.
Liberal arts universities pumping out too many degrees in the wrong areas, sometimes this is referred to as the
‘College Bubble’
“while college tuition payments are rising, the supply of college graduates in many fields of study is exceeding the demand for their skills, which aggravates graduate unemployment and underemployment, which in turn increases the burden of student loan defaults on financial institutions and taxpayers.” Wikipedia as result, liberal arts degrees hold no real value.
‘College Bubble’
“while college tuition payments are rising, the supply of college graduates in many fields of study is exceeding the demand for their skills, which aggravates graduate unemployment and underemployment, which in turn increases the burden of student loan defaults on financial institutions and taxpayers.” Wikipedia as result, liberal arts degrees hold no real value.
Canada and Undergrads e.g. Liberal Arts Degrees Economic Value a Ticket to Poverty?
“We are number one when it comes to university and college enrollments, but we are also number one in the number of people with university degrees that live in poverty,” said Benjamin Tal, deputy chief economist with CIBC World Markets.
Liberal Arts Degrees not Valued by Employers.
“One survey question asked hiring managers what degrees they preferred. Only 1.6% said liberal arts. “Forbes New Study Is No Degree Better Than A Liberal Arts Degree?
Liberal Arts Degrees Skipping the Basics.
No more core curriculum at liberal arts universities for the most part. Every university in the liberals arts should have a ‘Foundation Year’. Liberals arts degrees are nothing more than a hodgepodge of useless microaggressions served up buffet style these days.
Universities/Liberal Arts Programmes Not Acknowledging New Models of Education & Disruptive Innovation.
Universities now no longer have Proprietary Ownership of knowledge & Distribution. Big problems.
The internet/massive open online course Massive Open Online Course (MOOC’s) are just a buffet of information. Well so is a liberals art degree at this point as well. Except for an internet connection and MOOC’s lot cheaper than the cost of a liberal arts degree.
MOOC’s are an example of Disruptive Innovation: “is an innovation that creates a new market and value network and eventually disrupts an existing market and value network, displacing established market-leading firms, products, and alliances.” Wikipedia
To be fair MOOC’s with the help with places like Google and best of the best universities in the World like Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are starting to get good really really good in their consistency and great price points also open 24/7. So Canadian History #101 brought to by Google University which is basically already here will be far more valued. Let’s face it if one gets a History degree from MTA and from the University of Saskatchewan it is all over the map. Universities for the more part have totally gotten rid of core curriculum standards e.g. core readings altogether. BIG MISTAKE. But Google GETS IT!
Brick and mortar universities are simply too expensive vs. online education degrees, especially liberal arts degrees where one does not need for example a lab .This also beats the crap out having to move somewhere else and be in a cramped classroom.
Career Services at University are a JOKE & Out Dated !
If your university does not make Career Services, Internships as part of their core budget and is not part of their main mission statement. Find a university that does! Career Services not part of MTA core budget.
Only 17 percent of recent graduates say career centers are ‘very helpful.
“Recent college graduates were more likely than those in prior decades to visit a career center while in college but are less likely to view their interactions as “very helpful,” according to the newest data from an annual Gallup-Purdue University study of college graduates.” Looking for Career Help, Inside Higher Ed
“Recent college graduates were more likely than those in prior decades to visit a career center while in college but are less likely to view their interactions as “very helpful,” according to the newest data from an annual Gallup-Purdue University study of college graduates.” Looking for Career Help, Inside Higher Ed
The Best People not being Hired also a Big Problem at Universities e.g. Collective Agreements.
‘Collective Agreements’ and how they work and why the best people many times do not get the position they deserve. This means a lot of times people get promoted even though it not in the public best interest. Though it is the public paying for these salaries. There no such thing as Collective Agreement online, meaning the student shop around for the best course and degrees taught by the best people in that field.
Atlantic Canada also has way too many duplications of programmes for an area with such a small population.
A New Generation at Universities.
The new generation going to universities now is Generation Z.
Generation Z is the new generation and has replaced Millennials as students in universities.
Generation Z born are Generation Z (1995–2009) very different than Millennials they are perfectly fine with credits and degrees online. They grow up their entire lives with the internet.
Every generation before has seen the traditional liberal arts degree as means of upward mobility except for this new generation, Generation Z.
Generation Z prefer – On-Demand Learning/Apprenticeships vs Formally Educated methods.
Universities are Closed Minded.
Universities are now one of the most Closed Minded places in the Country.
Universities and Safe Spaces/Trigger Warnings.
Safe Spaces. ” a place (as on a college campus) intended to be free of bias, conflict, criticism, or potentially threatening actions, ideas, or conversations” Merriam-Webster
Trigger Warnings”a statement at the start of a piece of writing, video, etc., alerting the reader or viewer to the fact that it contains potentially distressing material (often used to introduce a description of such content).”Dictionary Online
The concept of Safe Spaces is to protect students from ideas they might find offensive. The whole idea of going to university is the opposite it about hearing idea’s that you might find upsetting and challenges you. It’s not about living in an ‘Echo Chamber’.
The concept of Safe Spaces is to protect students from ideas they might find offensive. The whole idea of going to university is the opposite it about hearing idea’s that you might find upsetting and challenges you. It’s not about living in an ‘Echo Chamber’.
Why Space Spaces & Trigger Warnings are a Bad Ideas.
“John Ellison, Dean of Students at the University of Chicago, wrote a letter to incoming students. In this letter he states, “we do not support so-called trigger warnings, we do not cancel invited speakers because their topics might prove controversial and we do not condone the creation of intellectual safe spaces where individuals can retreat from ideas and perspectives at odds with their own.” This view is also shared by Pres. Obama.
What are Safe Spaces & How are Campuses Using Them? Campus Answer
What are Safe Spaces & How are Campuses Using Them? Campus Answer
Student Debt is Not Worth it for Liberal Arts Degree Now.
The debt load people with degrees do make more than those who don’t. Though it depends on the degree. What happens in a lot of cases someone gets liberal arts degree can’t get a job and pay off the student loan at the same time then they decide to upgrade their education to something completely different than their liberal arts degree maybe something like healthcare and that point they get a better job. Though in fact did not need undergrad at all to take their upgrade. The only their undergrad did is ruin their credit and make it impossible to buy a house and car etc… It, in fact, that liberals arts degree did the complete opposite of what a liberal arts degree did in the past and that is upward mobility.
Let’s Go Over the List Why Liberal Arts Degree and Four Year Programme is Now a Thing of the Past.
The Liberal Arts Degree List !
Liberal Arts Degree, Gone – Core Knowledge.
Liberal Arts Degree, Gone – Upward Mobility.
Liberal Arts Degree, Gone – Liberal Arts Degrees no longer being viewed as Unique too many being Pumped Out.
Liberal Arts Degree, Gone – Being open to new Ideas e.g. Safe Spaces & Trigger Warnings.
Liberal Arts Degre, Gone – No more Proprietary Ownership and Dispersion of Knowledge. Online Education MOOC’s etc…
Liberal Arts Degree, Gone – No Perceived Value, especially by Generation Z and now the general public and employers. Now that the public has decided Liberal Arts Degree has No Perceived Value the End is Already Here and Everyone Knows It !!!
For Mount Allison University to survive the College/Univesity Bubble in the near future, it will probably have to be amalgamated with a bigger post-secondary institution to survive. Welcome to Mount Allison the campus of university X.
Demian Hammock, Diploma of Advanced Studies Human Resources Management.
Sackville, NB Canada
Also Reachable on LinkedIn
Sackville, NB Canada
Also Reachable on LinkedIn
Demian and Dad, Virgil... regulars at the commi coffee shop in town ..
No More Sodium Fluoride Rinse in NB Schools Canada ..
Advocate for health and safety in our schools since 2011 ...grassroots UNFUNDED citizen activism... congratulations to Sackville's Salem Elementary School for removing the rinse in 2014/2015 school year. The province needs to stop this expensive and harmful weekly practice. ... and Hey Mount Allison University - how about you stop going to other countries and spreading this shit there too? Knock that crap off.
I am not affiliated with nor do I support or promote SackvilleSchools2020 communitarianism in schools.
Its been my absolute pleasure to remain an advocate and receive zero publicity or support but in fact be attacked for doing the right thing in this province ... your hate fuels my activism.. keep it coming commies...
Tuesday, 25 December 2018
The White Demise
John 15:18-19 King James Version (KJV)
18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
King James Version (KJV)
Silent Night...
Warm wishes for a very special and joyful time with friends, family..
Merry Christmas to all the Tantramar folks... all the best in 2019.
Merry Christmas to all the Tantramar folks... all the best in 2019.
14 words.. Merry Christmas and God Bless Us Everyone xo
Facebook gets complaints/reports from anti-white haters and removes this post .. there is nothing wrong with promoting the survival of your folk... what is sick are white people who think it is racist.... Merry Christmas to all xo
Winnipeg PPC Rally | Rassemblement du PPC à Winnipeg
For your information.. as you know the Federal election is less than a year away and that this PPC has established itself so quickly with so much enthusiasm should tell you a lot .. the news will report "polling" but they're not reporting the 'big picture'.. so I'd ask you to keep that in mind when you're watching the CBC...
Merry Christmas everyone... #no more brother wars #no more bankster wars #no more bloodshed #no more destroyed families .. Peace on earth..
Monday, 24 December 2018
Sunday, 23 December 2018
Saturday, 22 December 2018
Scandinavian Girls Beheaded in Morocco. Where Were Their Fathers?
Published on Dec 22, 2018
Statement upon the brutal murder of the two Scandinavian girls (one Danish and one Norwegian woman): I find it hard to understand why they thought it was a good idea to go for a back-packing holiday in North Africa. Ultimately it boils down to two things, a society that has lied to them since birth about the way of the world, and their fathers not taking their responsibilities.
Lastly, I can only lament this tragedy and hope that more women do not repeat their mistake.
Also, if you are going to comment, do so respectfully towards the victims and their families.
Lastly, I can only lament this tragedy and hope that more women do not repeat their mistake.
Also, if you are going to comment, do so respectfully towards the victims and their families.
Sackville Film Society - Suggestion "Love, Work & Knowledge" - Wilhelm Reich
If you're a member of the society with Thaddeus Holownia this might be of interest to you.....
"LOVE, WORK AND KNOWLEDGE – THE LIFE AND TRIALS OF WILHELM REICH will be screened on February 17, 2019 (Sunday afternoon) at 2:00 p.m. at the Wadsworth Atheneum in Hartford, Connecticut (USA).
The Wadsworth Atheneum is America’s oldest art museum (founded in 1842) and the film will screen in its historic Art Deco 284-seat Aetna Theater.
This event represents the only screening thus far in the Hartford, Connecticut area where the production of this film originated in 2014-15 and where all editing and post-production took place in 2016-2017.
Q&A with the film's co-directors Kevin Hinchey and Glenn Orkin will follow the screening.
We hope you can join us on the afternoon of February 17th. And please help us spread the word about this screening to anyone in Connecticut or Massachusetts who you think might be interested in seeing this film.
Thank you."
For more information on Reich on Facebook
Friday, 21 December 2018
Thursday, 20 December 2018
Energy East Pipeline - The World Needs More Canada
#Cdn Citizens for Energy East with ... Canada Action ... dedicated to Town Councillors Bill Evans, Andrew Black, and Mayor John Higham .. and MLA Megan Mitton.... hopefully you know now that you do not speak for me ..... #stop technocracy #stop Agenda 2030 .. Stand up for Canadian industry, ethical oil and gas and prosperity.
Canadians for an informed discussion on energy and prosperity.
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